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Références (7)
Savoye N, Aubert F, Beaugeard L, Beaugrand G, Bichon S, Bourasseau L, Brére Corre M, Costes L, David V, Del Amo Y, Derriennic H, Desmurs O, Dindinaud F, Gentilhomme S, Goberville E, Grangeré K, Grossteffan E, Guillou G, Guyon F, Izabel G, Jolly O, Jourde J, Jude-Lemeilleur F, Lachaussée N, Lafont M, Lagadec V, Lamoreux E, Lécuyer E, Lebel J-M, Lefebvre SC, Lehodey P, Leroux C, L'Helgu S, Passafiume O, Pedrotti M-L, Pineau P, Raimbault P, Riera P, Rigaut-Jalabert F, Seuront P, Simon N, Sottolichio A, Sultan E (2014) Long−term monitoring of coastal ecosystems: the SOMLIT Network. ISOBAY 14 - XIV International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. Bordeaux, France, June 2014