Algal biomass and sea surface temperature in the Mediterranean Basin - Intercomparison of data from various satellite sensors, and implications for primary production estimates

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2002
Auteurs (3) : BRICAUD Annick BOSC Emmanuel ANTOINE David
Revue scientifique : Remote Sensing of Environment
Volume : 81
Fascicule : 2
Pages : 163-178
DOI : 10.1016/S0034-4257(01)00335-2
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Abstract : -
Mots-clés : -
Commentaire : ISI Document Delivery No.: 579AJ Times Cited: 79 Cited Reference Count: 42 Bricaud, A Bosc, E Antoine, D Elsevier science inc New york
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Citation :
Bricaud A, Bosc E, Antoine D (2002) Algal biomass and sea surface temperature in the Mediterranean Basin - Intercomparison of data from various satellite sensors, and implications for primary production estimates. Remote Sens Environ 81: 163-178 | doi: 10.1016/S0034-4257(01)00335-2