Occurrence of palytoxins in marine organisms from different trophic levels of the French Mediterranean coast harvested in 2009

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2013
Revue scientifique : Harmful Algae
Volume : 28
Fascicule :
Pages : 10-22
DOI : 10.1016/j.hal.2013.04.007
URL : <go to isi>://wos:000323866800002
Abstract : Four sites located in Nice and Villefranche-sur-Mer, on the French Mediterranean coast, were monitored during the summer of 2009 for the presence of epiphytic and planktonic Ostreopsis cf. ovata, and that of palytoxin (PITX) and 2 of its analogues (ovatoxin-a (OVTX-a) and ostreocin-D (OST-D)) in different marine organisms. Several of the 15 species that were sampled between June and September 2009 were found to be contaminated with OVTX-a as the major toxin (90% of the toxin profile) and PITX; this included fish, echinoderms, gastropods, crustaceans and cephalopods. The contamination levels varied geographically and between species, with the herbivorous species generally having higher toxin levels than carnivorous ones. The determination of the toxin distribution between the digestive tube (DT) and the remaining tissue (RT) or roe in the case of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus showed that the toxins were sequestered in the DT. The highest toxin level ever recorded over the course of the study was of 392.2 mu g for the sum of OVTX-a and PITX per kg of DT of the flathead mullet Mugil cephalus. No quantifiable levels of toxins were found in the roe of the sea urchins or in the RT of the other marine products. However, in several cases, the toxin level in the whole flesh of the analysed organisms was above 30 mu g OVTX-a + PITX/kg, when knowing that the European food safety authority's opinion is that an adult should not ingest more than 30 mu g PITX + OST-D per kg of shellfish meat to avoid putting the consumer's health at risk. This was observed for the following four species: the sea urchin P. lividus, the red-mouthed rock shell Stramonita haemastoma, the warty crab Eriphia verrucosa and the flathead mullet M. cephalus. The collection of such data is of great importance to refine and complete the risk assessment of PITX and its analogues and has to be encouraged in order to provide reliable information for setting up a regulatory level that would protect the consumers of edible marine organisms (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Commentaire : Times Cited: 2 Lemee, Rodolphe/G-3228-2011 Lemee, Rodolphe/0000-0002-7800-2220 2
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Citation :
Biré R, Trotereau S, Lemee R, Delpont C, Chabot B, Aumond Y, Krys S (2013) Occurrence of palytoxins in marine organisms from different trophic levels of the French Mediterranean coast harvested in 2009. Harmful Algae 28: 10-22 | doi: 10.1016/j.hal.2013.04.007