Influence of polarimetric satellite data measured in the visible region on aerosol detection and on the performance of atmospheric correction procedure over open ocean waters

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2011
Auteurs (2) : HARMEL Tristan CHAMI Malik
Revue scientifique : Optics Express
Volume : 19
Fascicule : 21
Pages : 20960-20983
DOI : 10.1364/oe.19.020960
URL : <go to isi>://wos:000296065700118
Abstract : An original atmospheric correction algorithm, so-called multi-directionality and POLarization-based Atmospheric Correction (POLAC), is described. This algorithm is based on the characteristics of the multidirectional and polarimetric data of the satellite PARASOL (CNES). POLAC algorithm is used to assess the influence of the polarimetric information in the visible bands on the retrieval of the aerosol properties and the water-leaving radiance over open ocean waters. This study points out that the use of the polarized signal significantly improves the aerosol type determination. The use of the polarized information at one visible wavelength only, namely 490 nm, allows providing estimates of the Angstrom exponent of aerosol optical depth with an uncertainty lower than 4%. Based on PARASOL observations, it is shown that the detection of the fine aerosols is improved when exploiting polarization data. The atmospheric component of the satellite signal is then better modeled, thus improving de facto the water-leaving radiance estimation. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America
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Commentaire : Times Cited: 8 harmel, tristan/I-1991-2012 harmel, tristan/0000-0002-1172-9636 8
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Citation :
Harmel T, Chami M (2011) Influence of polarimetric satellite data measured in the visible region on aerosol detection and on the performance of atmospheric correction procedure over open ocean waters. Opt Express 19: 20960-20983 | doi: 10.1364/oe.19.020960