Valuation And Sensitivity Of Socio-economic Activities Along The French Mediterranean Coast

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2014
Revue scientifique : International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
Volume : 9
Fascicule : 6
Pages : 754-768
DOI : 10.2495/SDP-V9-N6-754-768
Abstract : The valuation of services linked to the coastal environment can provide useful information for decision-makers and, therefore, contribute to costal management strategies. By focussing on services in terms of uses, this case study particularly aims at evaluating the socio-economic activities along the French Mediterranean coast and the corresponding sensitivity to a major pollution event. The assessment comprises a large spectrum of coastal activities (market and non market) that are directly or indirectly linked to seawater quality. To estimate their values (monetary and nonmonetary), quantitative and semi-quantitative measures were used. These values, translated into indexes and presented in their geographical context, allow a socio-economic sensitivity map- ping of the French Mediterranean coastal zones as a tool for spatial planning for decision-makers. The resulting maps help to identify and characterize coastal zones that are particularly sensitive to anthropogenic impacts such as marine pollution
Mots-clés : Accidental marine pollution, coastal services, decision management tool, economic valuation, Mediterranean Sea, sensitivity mapping
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Citation :
Scheurle C, Thébault H, Duffa C, Boissery P (2014) Valuation And Sensitivity Of Socio-economic Activities Along The French Mediterranean Coast. Int J Sus Dev Plann 9: 754-768 | doi: 10.2495/SDP-V9-N6-754-768