Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2015
Auteurs (54) : VILLAR Emilie FARRANT Gregory,k FOLLOWS Mick GARCZAREK Laurence SPEICH Sabrina AUDIC Stéphane BITTNER Lucie BLANKE Bruno BRUM Jennifer,r BRUNET M CASOTTI R CHASE Alison DOLAN John,r D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio GATTUSO Jean-pierre GRIMA Nicolas GUIDI Lionel HILL Christopher,n JAHN Oliver JAMET J-l LE GOFF H LEPOIVRE Cyrille MALVIYA Shruti PELLETIER Eric ROMAGNAN Jean-baptiste ROUX Simon SANTINI Sébastien SCALCO Eleonora SCHWENCK Sarah,m TANAKA Atsuko TESTOR Pierre VANNIER Thomas VINCENT Flora ZINGONE Adriana DIMIER Céline PICHERAL Marc SEARSON Sarah KANDELS-LEWIS Stefanie COORDINATORS Tara-oceans ACINAS Silvia,g BORK Peer BOSS Emmanuel DE VARGAS Colomban GORSKY Gabriel OGATA Hiroyuki PESANT Stéphane SULLIVAN Matthew,b SUNAGAWA Shinichi WINCKER Patrick KARSENTI Eric BOWLER Chris NOT Fabrice HINGAMP Pascal IUDICONE Daniele
Revue scientifique : Science
Volume : 348
Fascicule : 6237
Pages :
DOI : 10.1126/science.1261447
URL : http://www.sciencemag.org/content/348/6237/1261447.abstract
Abstract : Agulhas rings provide the principal route for ocean waters to circulate from the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic basin. Their influence on global ocean circulation is well known, but their role in plankton transport is largely unexplored. We show that, although the coarse taxonomic structure of plankton communities is continuous across the Agulhas choke point, South Atlantic plankton diversity is altered compared with Indian Ocean source populations. Modeling and in situ sampling of a young Agulhas ring indicate that strong vertical mixing drives complex nitrogen cycling, shaping community metabolism and biogeochemical signatures as the ring and associated plankton transit westward. The peculiar local environment inside Agulhas rings may provide a selective mechanism contributing to the limited dispersal of Indian Ocean plankton populations into the Atlantic.
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Citation :
Villar E, Farrant GK, Follows M, Garczarek L, Speich S, Audic S, Bittner L, Blanke B, Brum JR, Brunet M, Casotti R, Chase A, Dolan JR, D'Ortenzio F, Gattuso J-P, Grima N, Guidi L, Hill CN, Jahn O, Jamet J-L, Le Goff H, Lepoivre C, Malviya S, Pelletier E, Romagnan J-B, Roux S, Santini S, Scalco E, Schwenck SM, Tanaka A, Testor P, Vannier T, Vincent F, Zingone A, Dimier C, Picheral M, Searson S, Kandels-Lewis S, Coordinators T-O, Acinas SG, Bork P, Boss E, De Vargas C, Gorsky G, Ogata H, Pesant S, Sullivan MB, Sunagawa S, Wincker P, Karsenti E, Bowler C, Not F, Hingamp P, Iudicone D (2015) Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport. Science 348 | doi: 10.1126/science.1261447