Relationships among fisheries exploitation, environmental conditions, and ecological indicators across a series of marine ecosystems

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2015
Auteurs (21) : FU Caihong LARGE Scott KNIGHT Ben RICHARDSON Anthony,j BUNDY Alida REYGONDEAU Gabriel BOLDT Jennifer VAN DER MEEREN Gro,i TORRES Maria,a SOBRINO Ignacio AUBER Arnaud TRAVERS-TROLET Morgane PIRODDI Chiara DIALLO Ibrahima JOUFFRE Didier MENDES Hugo BORGES Maria,fatima LYNAM Christopher,p COLL Marta SHANNON Lynne,j SHIN Yunne-jai
Revue scientifique : Journal of Marine Systems
Volume : 148
Fascicule :
Pages :
DOI : 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.01.004
Abstract : Abstract Understanding how external pressures impact ecosystem structure and functioning is essential for ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management. We quantified the relative effects of fisheries exploitation and environmental conditions on ecological indicators derived from two different data sources, fisheries catch data (catch-based) and fisheries independent survey data (survey-based) for 12 marine ecosystems using a partial least squares path modeling approach (PLS-PM). We linked these ecological indicators to the total biomass of the ecosystem. Although the effects of exploitation and environmental conditions differed across the ecosystems, some general results can be drawn from the comparative approach. Interestingly, the PLS-PM analyses showed that survey-based indicators were less tightly associated with each other than the catch-based ones. The analyses also showed that the effects of environmental conditions on the ecological indicators were predominantly significant, and tended to be negative, suggesting that in the recent period, indicators accounted for changes in environmental conditions and the changes were more likely to be adverse. Total biomass was associated with fisheries exploitation and environmental conditions; however its association with the ecological indicators was weak across the ecosystems. Knowledge of the relative influence of exploitation and environmental pressures on the dynamics within exploited ecosystems will help us to move towards ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management. PLS-PM proved to be a useful approach to quantify the relative effects of fisheries exploitation and environmental conditions and suggest it could be used more widely in fisheries oceanography.
Mots-clés : Partial least squares path modeling
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Citation :
Fu C, Large S, Knight B, Richardson AJ, Bundy A, Reygondeau G, Boldt J, Van Der Meeren GI, Torres MA, Sobrino I, Auber A, Travers-Trolet M, Piroddi C, Diallo I, Jouffre D, Mendes H, Borges MF, Lynam CP, Coll M, Shannon LJ, Shin Y-J (2015) Relationships among fisheries exploitation, environmental conditions, and ecological indicators across a series of marine ecosystems. J Marine Syst 148 | doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.01.004