Historical trends in the species inventory of tintinnids (ciliates of the microzooplankton) in the Bay of Villefranche (NW Mediterranean Sea): Shifting Baselines

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2017
Auteurs (1) : DOLAN John,r
Revue scientifique : European Journal of Protistology
Volume : 57
Fascicule :
Pages : 16-25
DOI : 10.1016/j.ejop.2016.10.004
URL : -
Abstract : In the Bay of Villefranche, tintinnid ciliates have been studied since 1879 yielding a unique time series. The species inventory, excluding likely synonymous records, numbers 108. Temporal increases in the inventory appear linearly related to sampling effort up until the 2000’s with a cumulative sampling effort of about 200 dates. Subsequently, with a large increase in sampling to currently over 460 dates, the rate of increases in species numbers declines. Surprisingly, the inventory is not highly inflated by unique occurrences, as species found but once are only 17 out of the 108. However, in recent years many previously recorded taxa have not been seen. Missing from a species list derived solely from intensive sampling from 2013 to 2016 are 38 previously recorded species. Most (26 out of 38) were recorded from a single year and thus may have been temporary residents. However, 12 species were found in multiple years by different investigators suggesting relatively common occurrence in the past. The substantial effort required to adequately sample a locality and possible historical changes in species inventories suggest that claims of a species as ‘new’ to a locality should be made with caution & caveats.
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Citation :
Dolan JR (2017) Historical trends in the species inventory of tintinnids (ciliates of the microzooplankton) in the Bay of Villefranche (NW Mediterranean Sea): Shifting Baselines. Eur J Protistol 57: 16-25 | doi: 10.1016/j.ejop.2016.10.004