Biogeochemical regions of the Mediterranean Sea: An objective multidimensional and multivariate environmental approach

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2017
Auteurs (7) : REYGONDEAU Gabriel GUIEU Cecile BENEDETTI Fabio IRISSON Jean-olivier AYATA Sakina-dorothée GASPARINI Stéphane KOUBBI Philippe
Revue scientifique : Progress In Oceanography
Volume : 151
Fascicule :
Pages : 138-148
DOI : 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.11.001
Abstract : Abstract When dividing the ocean, the aim is generally to summarise a complex system into a representative number of units, each representing a specific environment, a biological community or a socio-economical specificity. Recently, several geographical partitions of the global ocean have been proposed using statistical approaches applied to remote sensing or observations gathered during oceanographic cruises. Such geographical frameworks defined at a macroscale appear hardly applicable to characterise the biogeochemical features of semi-enclosed seas that are driven by smaller-scale chemical and physical processes. Following the Longhurst’s biogeochemical partitioning of the pelagic realm, this study investigates the environmental divisions of the Mediterranean Sea using a large set of environmental parameters. These parameters were informed in the horizontal and the vertical dimensions to provide a 3D spatial framework for environmental management (12 regions found for the epipelagic, 12 for the mesopelagic, 13 for the bathypelagic and 26 for the seafloor). We show that: (1) the contribution of the longitudinal environmental gradient to the biogeochemical partitions decreases with depth; (2) the partition of the surface layer cannot be extrapolated to other vertical layers as the partition is driven by a different set of environmental variables. This new partitioning of the Mediterranean Sea has strong implications for conservation as it highlights that management must account for the differences in zoning with depth at a regional scale.
Mots-clés : Semi-enclosed sea
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Citation :
Reygondeau G, Guieu C, Benedetti F, Irisson J-O, Ayata S-D, Gasparini S, Koubbi P (2017) Biogeochemical regions of the Mediterranean Sea: An objective multidimensional and multivariate environmental approach. Prog Oceanogr 151: 138-148 | doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.11.001