Investigation and sensitivity analysis of a mechanistic phytoplankton model implemented in a new modular numerical tool (Eco3M) dedicated to biogeochemical modelling

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2006
Revue scientifique : Progress In Oceanography
Volume : 71
Fascicule : 1
Pages : 34-58
DOI : 10.1016/j.pocean.2006.05.003
URL : -
Abstract : A new class of phytoplankton models with a mechanistic basis has been presented in a companion paper (Baklouti, M., Diaz, F., Pinazo, C., Faure, V., Queguiner, B., 2006. Investigation of mechanistic formulations depicting phytoplankton dynamics for models of marine pelagic ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography). It is the default class of models implemented in our new numerical tool Eco3M, which is dedicated to Ecological, Mechanistic and Modular Modelling. A brief overview of its main features is given in Section 2 of the present paper. In the next sections, a particular phytoplankton model among the aforementioned class has been tested with special emphasis on the mechanistic photosynthesis component relating the photosynthetic rate to the proportion of open photosystems II. The present study encompasses several essential steps that are inherent to any modelling, including model reduction, model sensitivity analysis and comparison of model outputs with experiments. The global sensitivity analysis of the plankton model for one-at-a-time parameter perturbations revealed a restricted set of parameters having major influence on the model outputs. Sensitivity tests involving simultaneous parameter perturbations within the range actually encountered in the literature provided a confidence interval for the outputs. Chemostat experiments performed on nitrate-limited diatoms grown under low (LL) and high-light (HL) conditions have been used for comparison with model outputs. The good fit between measured data and model outputs using the same parameter values in both the LL and HL cases demonstrates the ability of our model to represent the main features of phytoplankton dynamics including photoacclimation. Finally, Eco3M is ultimately intended to include explicit bacterial and zooplankton compartments, as well as to be coupled with ocean circulation models, but the intrinsic behavior of the phytoplankton model has been investigated first, independently of physical forcing. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés : ecological modelling; phytoplankton; mechanistic formulations; sensitivity analysis
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Citation :
Baklouti M, Faure V, Pawlowski L, Sciandra A (2006) Investigation and sensitivity analysis of a mechanistic phytoplankton model implemented in a new modular numerical tool (Eco3M) dedicated to biogeochemical modelling. Prog Oceanogr 71: 34-58 | doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2006.05.003