Multiple stressors and benthic harmful algal blooms (BHABs): potential effects of temperature rise and nutrient enrichment

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2018
Auteurs (5) : FRICKE Anna PEY A GIANNI F LEMEE Rodolphe MANGIALAJO Luisa
Revue scientifique : Marine Pollution Bulletin
Volume : 131
Fascicule : 0
Pages : 552-564
DOI : 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.04.012
URL : -
Abstract : Blooms of Ostreopsis cf. ovata, causing health incidence and mass human intoxications in the Mediterranean, gained special attention over the past decades. To study the potential effects of temperature and nutrient enrichment on this benthic dinoflagellate and other associated microalgae in situ, a multifactorial experiment was set up along a temperature gradient of a heat pump system in Monaco. Microalgae were quantified in experimental units, in the natural biofilm and in the water column. No significant interaction was observed between temperature and nutrients. A species- and bloom phase-dependent effect of the increased temperature was recorded, while the nutrient enrichment had a significant effect only at the end of the experiment (when cell abundances were low). Temperature effects were also visible in the biofilm and the surrounding water. The observed assemblages were mainly driven by changes in abundances of Ostreopsis cf. ovata and Actinocyclus sp., affected in different ways.
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Citation :
Fricke A, Pey A, Gianni F, Lemee R, Mangialajo L (2018) Multiple stressors and benthic harmful algal blooms (BHABs): potential effects of temperature rise and nutrient enrichment. Mar Pollut Bull 131: 552-564 | doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.04.012