Nutraceuticals to promote neuronal plasticity in response to corticosterone-induced stress in human neuroblastoma cells

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2018
Auteurs (9) : GITE Snehal ROSS R,paul KIRKE Dara GUIHÉNEUF Freddy AUSSANT Justine STENGEL Dagmar,b DINAN Timothy,g CRYAN John,f STANTON Catherine
Revue scientifique : Nutritional Neuroscience
Volume :
Fascicule :
Pages : 1-18
DOI : 10.1080/1028415x.2017.1418728
URL : <go to isi>://medline:29378496
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Citation :
Gite S, Ross RP, Kirke D, Guihéneuf F, Aussant J, Stengel DB, Dinan TG, Cryan JF, Stanton C (2018) Nutraceuticals to promote neuronal plasticity in response to corticosterone-induced stress in human neuroblastoma cells. Nutr Neurosci, 1-18 | doi: 10.1080/1028415x.2017.1418728