Mytilophilus-Pacificae-N-G, N-Sp - A New Mytilid Endocommensal Ciliate (Scuticociliatida)

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 1985
Auteurs (2) : DOLAN John,r ANTIPA G,a
Revue scientifique : Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
Volume : 104
Fascicule : 4
Pages : 360-368
DOI : 10.2307/3226489
URL : -
Abstract : Mytilophilus pacificae n. g., n. sp. is described as an endocommensal scu- ticociliate found on the foot and mantle of the Pacific coastal mussel Mytilus californi- anus. M. pacificae is distinctive in its buccal apparatus which, while pleuronematine in organization, is dominated by the third membranelle. The third membranelle is a char- acteristic of the genus and distinguishes M. pacificae from other pleuronematine scuticocil- iates. The general size, body form, dense ciliation, and nuclear configuration are reminis- cent of Peniculistoma mytili, which probably occupies a similar ecological niche in the bay mussel Mytilus edulis. Based on the strong correlation of characters of general mor- phology, buccal structure and habitat with P. mytili, M. pacificae is placed within the Family Peniculistomatidae. The close correspondence between these two organisms and their respective host species suggests that investigation of possible Mytilophilus-Penicu- listoma-host interrelationships may y provide instructive data for our understanding of speciation events and ciliate evolution.
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Citation :
Dolan JR, Antipa GA (1985) Mytilophilus-Pacificae-N-G, N-Sp - A New Mytilid Endocommensal Ciliate (Scuticociliatida). Trans Am Microsc Soc 104: 360-368 | doi: 10.2307/3226489