Bacterial diversity and lipid biomarkers in sea ice and sinking particulate organic material during the melt season in the Canadian Arctic

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2021
Auteurs (7) : AMIRAUX Remi RONTANI Jean-françois ARMOUGOM Fabrice FROUIN Eléonore BABIN Marcel ARTIGUE Lise BONIN P
Revue scientifique : Elementa - Science of the Anthropocene
Volume : 9
Fascicule : 1
Pages :
DOI : 10.1525/elementa.2021.040
URL : <go to isi>://wos:000632683000009
Abstract : -
Mots-clés : -
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Citation :
Amiraux R, Rontani J-F, Armougom F, Frouin E, Babin M, Artigue L, Bonin P (2021) Bacterial diversity and lipid biomarkers in sea ice and sinking particulate organic material during the melt season in the Canadian Arctic. Elem Sci Anth 9 | doi: 10.1525/elementa.2021.040