Polar Ocean Observations: A Critical Gap in the Observing System and Its Effect on Environmental Predictions From Hours to a Season

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2019
Auteurs (42) : SMITH Gregory,c ALLARD Richard BABIN Marcel BERTINO Laurent CHEVALLIER Matthieu CORLETT Gary CROUT Julia DAVIDSON Fraser DELILLE B GILLE Sarah,t HEBERT David HYDER Patrick INTRIERI Janet LAGUNAS José LARNICOL Gilles KAMINSKI Thomas KATER Belinda KAUKER Frank MAREC Claudie MAZLOFF Matthew METZGER E,joseph MORDY Calvin O'CARROLL Anne OLSEN Steffen,m PHELPS Michael POSEY Pamela PRANDI Pierre REHM Eric REID Phillip RIGOR Ignatius SANDVEN Stein SHUPE Matthew SWART Sebastian SMEDSTAD Ole,martin SOLOMON Amy STORTO Andrea THIBAUT Pierre TOOLE John WOOD Kevin XIE Jiping YANG Qinghua GRP Wwrp ppp steering
Revue scientifique : Frontiers in Marine Science
Volume : 6
Fascicule :
Pages :
DOI : 10.3389/fmars.2019.00429
URL : <go to isi>://wos:000478734500001
Abstract : -
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Citation :
Smith GC, Allard R, Babin M, Bertino L, Chevallier M, Corlett G, Crout J, Davidson F, Delille B, Gille ST, Hebert D, Hyder P, Intrieri J, Lagunas J, Larnicol G, Kaminski T, Kater B, Kauker F, Marec C, Mazloff M, Metzger EJ, Mordy C, O'Carroll A, Olsen SM, Phelps M, Posey P, Prandi P, Rehm E, Reid P, Rigor I, Sandven S, Shupe M, Swart S, Smedstad OM, Solomon A, Storto A, Thibaut P, Toole J, Wood K, Xie J, Yang Q, Grp W (2019) Polar Ocean Observations: A Critical Gap in the Observing System and Its Effect on Environmental Predictions From Hours to a Season. Front Mar Sci 6 | doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00429