Use of palmitoleic acid and its oxidation products for monitoring the degradation of ice algae in Arctic waters and bottom sediments

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2018
Auteurs (6) : RONTANI Jean-françois AMIRAUX Remi LALANDE Catherine BABIN Marcel KIM Hak-ryul BELT Simon,t
Revue scientifique : Organic Geochemistry
Volume : 124
Fascicule :
Pages : 88-102
DOI : 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.06.002
URL : <go to isi>://wos:000443952100008
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Citation :
Rontani J-F, Amiraux R, Lalande C, Babin M, Kim H-R, Belt ST (2018) Use of palmitoleic acid and its oxidation products for monitoring the degradation of ice algae in Arctic waters and bottom sediments. Org Geochem 124: 88-102 | doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.06.002