Simulation of carbon reserve dynamics in Microcystis and its influence on vertical migration with Yoyo model

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2003
Auteurs (3) : RABOUILLE Sophie THÉBAULT Jean-marc SALENÇON Marie-josé
Revue scientifique : Comptes Rendus Biologies
Volume : 326
Fascicule : 4
Pages : 349-361
DOI : 10.1016/S1631-0691(03)00123-9
Abstract : Blue-green algae control their buoyancy depending upon the surrounding conditions. This process is essential for Cyanobacteria development and can account for their dominance in eutrophic waters in summer. In order to determine the main regulating factors of those movements, we developed a mechanistic and deterministic model, based on differential equations, that simulates the vertical migration of Microcystis sp. In Microcystis, buoyancy regulation results from the dynamics of the carbohydrate reserve metabolism during photosynthesis. These fundamental processes are modelled daily by this vertical 1-D model named Yoyo. It describes the movement of colonies with different sizes in response to variations of environmental conditions. This paper presents the model sensitivity analysis. We individually investigated the role of light and temperature upon algal migration with colonies of two different diameters. Under a daily light cycle and a temperature of 20 °C, the model described vertical migration on a 48 h rhythm in colonies with a 300-μm diameter. To cite this article: S. Rabouille et al., C. R. Biologies 326 (2003).
Mots-clés : Cyanobacteria, buoyancy, carbohydrates, eutrophication, modelling, cyanobactéries, flottaison, hydrates de carbone, eutrophisation, modélisation
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Citation :
Rabouille S, Thébault J-M, Salençon M-J (2003) Simulation of carbon reserve dynamics in Microcystis and its influence on vertical migration with Yoyo model. Cr Biol 326: 349-361 | doi: 10.1016/S1631-0691(03)00123-9