The Breaking and Scattering of the Internal Tide on a Continental Slope

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2011
Auteurs (6) : KLYMAK Jody,m ALFORD Matthew,h PINKEL R LIEN R,c YANG Y TANG Ty
Revue scientifique : Journal of Physical Oceanography
Volume : 41
Fascicule : 5
Pages : 926-945
DOI : 10.1175/2010JPO4500.1
URL : -
Abstract : A strong internal tide is generated in the Luzon Strait that radiates westward to impact the continental shelf of the South China Sea. Mooring data in 1500-m depth on the continental slope show a fortnightly averaged incoming tidal flux of 12 kW m. and a mooring on a broad plateau on the slope finds a similar flux as an upper bound. Of this, 5.5 kW m(-1) is in the diurnal tide and 3.5 kW m(-1) is in the semidiumal tide, with the remainder in higher-frequency motions. Turbulence dissipation may be as high as 3 kW m(-1). Local generation is estimated from a linear model to he less than 1 kW m(-1). The continental slope is supercritical with respect to the diurnal tide. implying that there may he significant hack reflection into the basin. Comparing the low-mode energy of a horizontal standing wave at the mooring to Me energy flux indicates that perhaps one-third of the incoming diurnal tidal energy is reflected. Conversely, the slope is subcritical with respect to the semidiumal tide, and the observed reflection is very weak. A surprising observation is that, despite significant diurnal vertical-mode-2 incident energy flux. this energy did not reflect: most of the reflection was in mode 1.
Commentaire : Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 113
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Citation :
Klymak JM, Alford MH, Pinkel R, Lien RC, Yang Y, Tang T (2011) The Breaking and Scattering of the Internal Tide on a Continental Slope. J Phys Oceanogr 41: 926-945 | doi: 10.1175/2010JPO4500.1