The Effect of Sea Ice on Tidal Propagation in the Kitikmeot Sea, Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Non
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2021
Revue scientifique : Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans
Volume : 126
Fascicule : 5
Pages :
DOI : 10.1029/2020JC016786
URL : -
Abstract : The tides in the Kitikmeot Sea, in the southern Canadian Arctic Archipelago, are found to be heavily influenced by seasonal sea-ice formation and blocking in a strait. Data from a moored current profiler in Dease Strait exhibit strong tidal damping during wintertime seasonal sea-ice cover, with 50%-60% reduction in tidal elevation and 65% reduction in tidal velocities. We used a 3D unstratified barotropic numerical tidal model of the region to show that the observed wintertime tidal damping likely requires both high sea-ice friction and a partial sea-ice blockage in Victoria Strait (VS), the eastern gateway of the Kitikmeot Sea, where tidal-induced ridging causes thick, rough ice to accumulate over its shallow sill. Our analysis of the model shows different dynamics for the M-2 and K-1 tides. Both tidal constituents are dominated by the Atlantic tides entering through VS. Overall, similar to 90% of the M-2 tidal energy entering VS does not reach Dease Strait because, in addition to dissipation in VS (similar to 25%), it is significantly diverted into adjoining bays and around an amphidrome in eastern Queen Maud Gulf (similar to 65%). In contrast, the smaller K-1 tide is less diverted into the subsidiary channels, after similar to 20% dissipation in VS and only similar to 25% in adjoining bays, it propagates far into the region and is amplified due to resonance in Dease Strait and Coronation Gulf, resulting in larger tidal height than the M-2 tide in Coronation Gulf.
Mots-clés : BAY; Canadian Arctic Archipelago; DIURNAL TIDES; DRAG; EXTRACTION; FVCOM; MODEL; OCEAN; sea-ice roughness; SEASONAL VARIABILITY; STRAIT; SURFACE; surface friction; THICKNESS; tidal damping
Commentaire : Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection: 3
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Citation :
Rotermund LM, Williams WJ, Klymak JM, Wu YS, Scharien RK, Haas C (2021) The Effect of Sea Ice on Tidal Propagation in the Kitikmeot Sea, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. J Geophys Res-Oceans 126 | doi: 10.1029/2020JC016786