Deriving the angular response function for backscattering sensors

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2021
Auteurs (4) : ZHANG X,l LEYMARIE Edouard BOSS Emmanuel HU Lianbo
Revue scientifique : Applied Optics
Volume : 60
Fascicule : 28
Pages :
DOI : 10.1364/AO.437735
Abstract : We derived the angular response function (WN) for scattering sensors that automatically satisfies the normalization criterion and its corresponding weight (WT). WN's, derived for two commercial sensors, HydroScat-6 (HOBI Labs) and ECO-BB (Sea-Bird Inc.), agrees well with the Monte Carlo simulation and direct measurements. The backscattering measured for microbeads of known sizes agrees better with Mie calculation when the derived WN was applied. We deduced that the reduction of WT with increasing attenuation coefficient is related to path length attenuation and showed that this theoretically derived correction factor performs better than the default methods for the two commercial backscattering sensors. The analysis conducted in this study also leads to an estimate of uncertainty budget for the two sensors. The major uncertainty for ECO-BB is associated with its angular response function because of its wide field of view, whereas the main uncertainty for the HydrScat-6 is due to attenuation correction because of its relatively long path length.
Mots-clés : Forward scattering; Light scattering; Multiple scattering; Scattering measurement; Scattering measurements; Tomographic image reconstruction
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Citation :
Zhang XL, Leymarie E, Boss E, Hu L (2021) Deriving the angular response function for backscattering sensors. Appl Optics 60 | doi: 10.1364/AO.437735