New observations of Papulifères, putative ciliate cysts, from the plankton of the Chukchi Sea (Western Arctic Ocean) in August of 2023

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2024
Auteurs (3) : DOLAN John,r YANG E,j MOON J,h
Revue scientifique : Acta Protozoologica
Volume : 63
Fascicule :
Pages : 1-7
DOI : 10.4467/16890027AP.24.001.19426
Abstract : We recently documented the existence of 26 different forms of Papulifères, presumptive ciliate cysts, from plankton net tow material of the Chukchi Sea gathered in 2015, 2021, and 2022. The forms appeared to be rare, found in only 7 of the 308 samples taken in annual August surveys from 2010 to 2022. Thus, we were surprised to find them relatively common and widespread in samples gathered in August of 2023. We found 18 different Papulifére forms, 8 of which appear to be new forms, in samples from 19 of the 36 stations sampled. They were found in localities ranging from 70.5°N to 80°N. Here we report on these Papulifére forms found in 2023, providing information on morphologies and geographical distributions. With this report we have expanded the catalogue of observed Papulifére, and photographed, forms of the Chukchi Sea to a grand total of 34 of morphologically distinct forms. However, we continue to urge caution in assigning a ciliate identity to any given Papulifére form in the absence of corroborating data.
Mots-clés : Aquatic ecosystems ; eukaryotic microbial communities ; climate effects ; microbial heterotrophic food webs ; microbial productivity Fusopsis ; Piropsis ; Sphaeropsis ; microzooplankton ; tintinnids ; oligotrichs
Commentaire : ID HAL : hal-04547960
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Citation :
Dolan JR, Yang EJ, Moon JH (2024) New observations of Papulifères, putative ciliate cysts, from the plankton of the Chukchi Sea (Western Arctic Ocean) in August of 2023. Acta Protozool 63: 1-7 | doi: 10.4467/16890027AP.24.001.19426