Seasonality of amino acid enantiomers and microbial communities at MOLA time series in the NW Mediterranean Sea

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2024
Auteurs (12) : VON JACKOWSKI Anabel BOUCHACHI Nawal BARRAL Quentin-boris LABATUT Paul MARIE Barbara CRISPI O ESCOUBEYROU Karine PAULIN Charles-hubert DIMIER Céline RAS Josephine HAYWARD Alexander ORTEGA‐RETUERTA Eva
Revue scientifique : Organic Geochemistry
Volume : 196
Fascicule :
Pages :
DOI : 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2024.104839
Abstract : Seasonality in light, temperature, and nutrient availability are well-known to regulate phytoplankton blooms and the bacterioplankton community. During the spring bloom, phytoplankton release biomolecules as part of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool exploited by the bacterioplankton. Here, we investigated the seasonal variability of phytoplankton biomass, enantiomers of dissolved hydrolyzable amino acids (DHAA), bacterioplankton abundances and community composition at the Microbial Observatory Laboratory Arago (MOLA) in the NW Mediterranean Sea from 2019 to 2021. Phytoplankton biomass estimated from pigment biomarkers suggests a spring bloom succession from cryptophytes, haptophytes, and prasinophytes in March to diatoms in April. The spring bloom coincided with a 50% increase in L-enantiomers of DHAA and an increase in bacterial abundance. After the spring bloom, elevated concentrations of D-enantiomers of DHAA and gamma-aminobutyric acid suggest bacterial processing of labile biomolecules contributed to the seasonal accumulation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Linking organic molecules with the free-living bacterioplankton community showed a seasonal succession of niches and substrate regimes. The parallel analysis of DOM and bacterioplankton community provides an important baseline for bacteria-substrate relationships over the seasonal cycle in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea.
Mots-clés : Dissolved organic matter, Phytoplankton, Bacteria, Amino acids, Mediterranean Sea
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Citation :
Von Jackowski A, Bouchachi N, Barral Q-B, Labatut P, Marie B, Crispi O, Escoubeyrou K, Paulin C-H, Dimier C, Ras J, Hayward A, Ortega‐Retuerta E (2024) Seasonality of amino acid enantiomers and microbial communities at MOLA time series in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Org Geochem 196 | doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2024.104839