The pre-project (concept note, letter of intent) as an important initial element: identifying the central question, finding a funding opportunity, finding a research consortium

Type : INV
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2011
Lieu de publication : -
Titre de la conférence : Cours invités : Workshop “How to write scientific projects in environmental science”
Lieu de la conférence : Tam Dao, Vietnam
Année de la conférence : -
Date de début : 04/12/2011
Date de fin : 09/12/2011
Titre du proceeding : -
Editeur de presse : -
Volume : -
Fascicule : -
Pages :
Auteurs (1) : LEGENDRE Louis
Editeurs scientifiques (0) :
DOI : -
URL : -
Abstract : -
Mots-clés : -
Commentaire : Adapting the research project to the requirements of the funding agencies: general information, responding to funding calls, formatting the project. European Commission projects. Structuring a project: preliminary notes, state of the art, objectives, methods, timeline, budget, deliverables, availability of the project partners, reconciling scientific interests of participants with the projects objectives. Structures and types of networks, functioning of research networks, guidelines to effective research networking.
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Citation :
Legendre L (2011) The pre-project (concept note, letter of intent) as an important initial element: identifying the central question, finding a funding opportunity, finding a research consortium. Cours invités : Workshop “How to write scientific projects in environmental science”. Tam Dao, Vietnam 04-09 December 2011