Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
From the shape of the vertical profile of in vivo fluorescence to Chlorophyll-a concentration ACL 2011 MIGNOT Alexandre, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, XING Xiaogang, POTEAU Antoine, ... (+1)
Is the distribution of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus ecotypes in the Mediterranean Sea affected by global warming? ACL 2011 MELLA-FLORES D, MAZARD S, HUMILY F, PARTENSKY F, MAHÉ Frédéric, ... (+10)
Seasonal and growth stage changes in lipid and fatty acid composition in the multigeneration copepod Drepanopus pectinatus from Iles Kerguelen ACL 2011 MAYZAUD Patrick, LACOMBRE S, BOUTOUTE Marc
Lipid composition of the Antarctic fish Pleuragramma antarcticum. Influence of age class ACL 2011 MAYZAUD Patrick, CHEVALLIER Jean, TAVERNIER Eric, MOTEKI Masato, KOUBBI Philippe
Seasonal variability in the light absorption properties of western Arctic waters: Parameterization of the individual components of absorption for ocean color applications ACL 2011 MATSUOKA Atsushi, HILL Victoria, HUOT Yannick, BABIN Marcel, BRICAUD Annick
Large-scale shifts in phytoplankton groups in the Equatorial Pacific during ENSO cycles ACL 2011 MASOTTI I, MOULIN Cyril, ALVAIN Séverine, BOPP Laurent, TAGLIABUE A, ... (+1)
Phytoplankton spring and fall blooms in the North Atlantic in the 1980s and 2000s ACL 2011 MARTINEZ R, ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, DE BOYER MONTÉGUT Clément
Early development and molecular plasticity in the Mediterranean sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus exposed to CO2-driven acidification ACL 2011 MARTIN Sophie, RICHIER Sophie, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, DUPONT Sam, CASTEJON Charlotte, ... (+6)
Trends in Ostreopsis proliferation along the Northern Mediterranean coasts ACL 2011 MANGIALAJO Luisa, GANZIN N, ACCORONI S, ASNAGHI V, BLANFUNÉ Aurélie, ... (+17)
Modelling neutral lipid production by the microalga Isochrysis aff. galbana under nitrogen limitation ACL 2011 MAIRET Francis, BERNARD Olivier, MASCI Pierre, LACOUR Thomas, SCIANDRA Antoine
Dynamics of nutrients, total organic carbon, prokaryotes and viruses in onboard incubations of cold-water corals ACL 2011 MAIER Conny, DE KLUIJVER A, AGIS Martin, BRUSSAARD C,p,d, VAN DUYL F,c, ... (+1)
Understanding what controls the spawning distribution of North Sea whiting (Merlangius merlangus) using a multi-model approach ACL 2011 LOOTS Christophe, VAZ Sandrine, PLANQUE Benjamin, KOUBBI Philippe
Characterization of the bio-optical anomaly and diurnal variability of particulate matter, as seen from scattering and backscattering coefficients, in ultra-oligotrophic eddies of the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2011 LOISEL Hubert, VANTREPOTTE Vincent, NORKVIST K, MÉRIAUX Xavier, KHEIREDDINE Malika, ... (+8)
Extreme climatic events reduce ocean productivity and larval supply in a tropical reef ecosystem ACL 2011 LO-YAT Alain, SIMPSON Stephen,d, MEEKAN Mark, LECCHINI David, MARTINEZ R, ... (+1)
On the role of tides and strong wind events in promoting summer primary production in the Barents Sea ACL 2011 LE FOUEST Vincent, POSTLETHWAITE Clare, MAQUEDA Miguel,angel,morales, BÉLANGER Simon, BABIN Marcel
Short-term dynamics of microplankton abundance and diversity in NW Mediterranean Sea during late summer conditions (DYNAPROC 2 cruise; 2004) ACL 2011 LASTERNAS S, TUNIN-LEY Alina, IBANEZ Frédéric, ANDERSEN Valérie, PIZAY Marie-dominique, ... (+1)
Distributions of dissolved and particulate iron in the sub-Antarctic and Polar Frontal Southern Ocean (Australian sector) ACL 2011 LANNUZEL D, BOWIE A,r, REMENYI Tomas, LAM Phoebe, TOWNSEND Ashley, ... (+4)
Ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria along an oligotrophic gradient in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2011 LAMY D, JEANTHON C, COTTRELL M,t, KIRCHMAN D,l, VAN WAMBEKE France, ... (+8)
Seasonal dynamics of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon ACL 2011 LAMY D, DE CARVALHO-MAALOUF P, COTTRELL M,t, LAMI R, CATALA Philippe, ... (+5)
Effects of Saharan dust on the microbial community during a large in situ mesocosm experiment in the NW Mediterranean Sea ACL 2011 LAGHDASS M, BLAIN Séphane, BESSELING M, CATALA Philippe, GUIEU Cecile, ... (+1)
Effects of ocean acidification on trace element accumulation in the early-life stages of squid Loligo vulgaris ACL 2011 LACOUE-LABARTHE Thomas, RÉVEILLAC E, OBERHAENSLI Francois, TEYSSIÉ J-l, JEFFREE R, ... (+1)
Spatial distribution and inter-annual variations in the size frequency distribution and abundances of Pleuragramma antarcticum larvae in the Dumont d'Urville Sea from 2004 to 2010 ACL 2011 KOUBBI Philippe, O'BRIEN Colleen, LOOTS Christophe, GIRALDO Carolina, SMITH Martina, ... (+5)
Ecoregionalization of myctophid fish in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: Results from generalized dissimilarity models ACL 2011 KOUBBI Philippe, MOTEKI Masato, DUHAMEL Guy, GOARANT Anne, HULLEY Percy-alexander, ... (+5)
Size distribution of meso- and bathypelagic fish in the Dumont d'Urville Sea (East Antarctica) during the CEAMARC surveys ACL 2011 KOUBBI Philippe, HULLEY Percy-alexander, PRUVOST Patrice, HENRI Pauline, LABAT Jean-philippe, ... (+3)
Coral reefs modify their seawater carbon chemistry - case study from a barrier reef (Moorea, French Polynesia) ACL 2011 KLEYPAS Joan,a, ANTHONY Kenneth,r,n, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
A Holistic Approach to Marine Eco-Systems Biology ACL 2011 KARSENTI Eric, ACINAS Silvia,g, BORK Peer, BOWLER Chris, DE VARGAS Colomban, ... (+23)
Optical imaging of mesopelagic particles indicates deep carbon flux beneath a natural iron-fertilized bloom in the Southern Ocean ACL 2011 JOUANDET Marie-paule, TRULL Thomas,w, GUIDI Lionel, PICHERAL Marc, EBERSBACH Friederike, ... (+2)
The microbial carbon pump and the oceanic recalcitrant dissolved organic matter pool ACL 2011 JIAO Nianzhi, HERNDL Gerhard,j, HANSELL D,a, BENNER R, KATTNER G, ... (+6)
CEAMARC, the Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census for the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (IPY # 53): An overview ACL 2011 HOSIE Graham, KOUBBI Philippe, RIDDLE Martin, OZOUF-COSTAZ Catherine, MOTEKI Masato, ... (+4)
Impact of atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic and natural trace metals on Northwestern Mediterranean surface waters: A box model assessment ACL 2011 HEIMBUERGER Lars-eric, MIGON Christophe, COSSA Daniel