Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Effects of turbulence on the feeding and growth of a marine oligotrich ciliate ACL 2003 DOLAN John,r, SALL N, METCALFE A, GASSER Beat
Silicate and labile DOC interfere in structuring the microbial food web via algal-bacterial competition for mineral nutrients: Results of a mesocosm experiment ACL 2003 HAVSKUM H, THINGSTAD T,f, SCHAREK R, PETERS Francesc, BERDALET E, ... (+7)
Strong, weak, and missing links in a microbial community of the NW Mediterranean Sea ACL 2002 BETTAREL Y, DOLAN John,r, HORNAK K, LEMEE Rodolphe, MASIN M, ... (+4)
Turbulence and the microbial food web: effects on bacterial losses to predation and on community structure ACL 2002 PETERS Francesc, MARRASE Celia, HAVSKUM H, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun, ALCARAZ M, ... (+2)
Altering the balance between bacterial production and protistan bacterivory triggers shifts in freshwater bacterial community composition ACL 2002 SIMEK K, NEDOMA J, PERNTHALER J, POSCH T, DOLAN John,r
Estuarine diversity of tintinnids (planktonic ciliates) ACL 2001 DOLAN John,r, GALLEGOS C,l
Changes in bacterial community composition and dynamics and viral mortality rates associated with enhanced flagellate grazing in a mesoeutrophic reservoir ACL 2001 SIMEK K, PERNTHALER J, WEINBAUER Markus,g, HORNAK K, DOLAN John,r, ... (+3)
Costs, benefits and characteristics of mixotrophy in marine oligotrichs ACL 2000 DOLAN John,r, PEREZ M,t
Tintinnid ciliate diversity in the Mediterranean Sea: longitudinal patterns related to water column structure in late spring-early summer ACL 2000 DOLAN John,r
Diel vertical distribution of planktonic ciliates within the surface layer of the NW Mediterranean (May 1995) ACL 2000 PEREZ M,t, DOLAN John,r, VIDUSSI Franscesca, FUKAI E
Dilution effects on microzooplankton in dilution grazing experiments ACL 2000 DOLAN John,r, GALLEGOS C,l, MOIGIS A
Shifts in bacterial community composition associated with different microzooplankton size fractions in a eutrophic reservoir ACL 1999 SIMEK K, KOJECKA P, NEDOMA J, HARTMAN P, VRBA J, ... (+1)
Diel periodicity in Synechococcus populations and grazing by heterotrophic nanoflagellates: Analysis of food vacuole contents ACL 1999 DOLAN John,r, SIMEK K
Trophic control of bacterial growth in microcosms containing a natural community from northwest Mediterranean surface waters ACL 1999 THINGSTAD T,f, PELEGRI S, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun, DOLAN John,r, PEREZ M,t
Particulate DNA and protein relative to microorganism biomass and detritus in the Catalano-Balearic Sea (NW Mediterranean) during stratification ACL 1999 ARIN L, BERDALET E, MARRASE Celia, ESTRADA M, GUIXA-BOIXEREU N, ... (+1)
A preliminary study of tintinnid diversity in the NW Mediterranean Sea ACL 1999 CARIOU J,b, DOLAN John,r, DALLOT Serge
Particulate and dissolved organic carbon production by the heterotrophic nanoflagellate Pteridomonas danica Patterson and Fenchel ACL 1999 PELEGRI S,p, CHRISTAKI Urania, DOLAN John,r, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Use of high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) to measure carbon content of microorganisms ACL 1999 PELEGRI S, DOLAN John,r, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Growth and grazing on Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus by two marine ciliates ACL 1999 CHRISTAKI Urania, JACQUET S, DOLAN John,r, VAULOT Daniel, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Nanoflagellates (mixotrophs, heterotrophs and autotrophs) in the oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean: standing stocks, bacterivory and relationships with bacterial production ACL 1999 CHRISTAKI Urania, VAN WAMBEKE France, DOLAN John,r
Ingestion and digestion of an autotrophic picoplankter, Synechococcus, by a heterotrophic nanoflagellate, Bodo saltans ACL 1998 DOLAN John,r, SIMEK K
Consumption of picoplankton-size particles by marine ciliates: Effects of physiological state of the ciliate and particle quality ACL 1998 CHRISTAKI Urania, DOLAN John,r, PELEGRI S, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Phosphorus and ammonia excretion by planktonic protists ACL 1997 DOLAN John,r
Processing of ingested matter in Strombidium sulcatum, a marine ciliate (Oligotrichida) ACL 1997 DOLAN John,r, SIMEK K
Experimental examination of the effects of rainwater on microbial communities in the surface layer of the NW Mediterranean Sea ACL 1997 KLEIN C, DOLAN John,r, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Planktonic oligotrich ciliates in the NW Mediterranean: growth rates and consumption by copepods ACL 1997 PEREZ M,t, DOLAN John,r, FUKAI E
Assessment of the role of copepods and ciliates in the release to solution of particulate DMSP ACL 1996 CHRISTAKI Urania, BELVISO Sauveur, DOLAN John,r, CORN M
Predation on marine picoplankton populations examined with an 'add-in' approach ACL 1996 PEREZ M,t, DOLAN John,r, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun, MOSTAJIR Behzad
Loss rate of an oligotrophic bacterial assemblage as measured by H-3-thymidine and (PO4)-P-32: Good agreement and near-balance with production ACL 1996 THINGSTAD T,f, DOLAN John,r, FUHRMAN J,a
A simple method for the quantification of a class of labile marine pico- and nano-sized detritus: DAPI Yellow Particles (DYP) ACL 1995 MOSTAJIR Behzad, DOLAN John,r, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun