Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
First spatial distribution of potentially toxic benthic dinoflagellates in the Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe and Martinique), Caribbean Sea ACL 2019 BOISNOIR Aurélie, PASCAL Pierre-yves, MARRO Sophie, LEMEE Rodolphe
Partitioning the Indian Ocean based on surface fields of physical and biological properties ACL 2019 HUOT Yannick, ANTOINE David, DAUDON Chloe
OceanGliders: A Component of the Integrated GOOS ACL 2019 TESTOR Pierre, DE YOUNG Brad, RUDNICK D, GLENN S, HAYES Daniel, ... (+97)
The use of stable isotopes to measure the ingestion rate of potentially toxic benthic dinoflagellates by harpacticoid copepods ACL 2020 BOISNOIR Aurélie, PAVAUX Anne-sophie, SCHIZAS Nikolaos,v, MARRO Sophie, BLASCO Thierry, ... (+2)
The impact of anthropogenic inputs on lithium content in river and tap water ACL 2019 CHOI Hye-bin, RYU Jong-sik, SHIN Woo-jin, VIGIER Nathalie
Drivers of microbial carbon fluxes variability in two oligotrophic Mediterranean coastal systems ACL 2019 GONZÁLEZ N, GARCIA-CORRAL L,s, MORÁN Xosé,anxelu,g, MIDDELBURG J,j, PIZAY Marie-dominique, ... (+1)
Modelling the riverine δ7Li variability throughout the Amazon Basin ACL 2020 MAFFRE Pierre, GODDÉRIS Yves, VIGIER Nathalie, MOQUET Jean-sébastien, CARRETIER Sébastien
Long-term high-resolution sediment and sea surface temperature spatial patterns in Arctic nearshore waters retrieved using 30-year Landsat archive imagery ACL 2019 KLEIN Konstantin, LANTUIT Hugues, HEIM Birgit, FELL F, DOXARAN David, ... (+1)
Picoeukaryotes of the Micromonas genus: sentinels of a warming ocean ACL 2019 DEMORY David, BAUDOUX Anne-claire, MONIER Adam, SIMON Nathalie, SIX Christophe, ... (+6)
Gene Expression Changes and Community Turnover Differentially Shape the Global Ocean Metatranscriptome ACL 2019 SALAZAR Guillem, PAOLI Lucas, ALBERTI Adriana, HUERTA-CEPAS Jaime, RUSCHEWEYH Hans-joachim, ... (+22)
Global Trends in Marine Plankton Diversity across Kingdoms of Life ACL 2019 IBARBALZ Federico,m, HENRY Nicolas, BRANDÃO Manoela,c, MARTINI Séverine, BUSSENI Greta, ... (+23)
Late spring bloom development of pelagic diatoms in Baffin Bay ACL 2019 LAFOND Augustin, LEBLANC K, QUÉGUINER B, MORICEAU Brivaela, LEYNAERT A, ... (+7)
Characterizing the surface microlayer in the Mediterranean Sea: trace metal concentrations and microbial plankton abundance ACL 2020 TOVAR-SANCHEZ A, RODRÍGUEZ-ROMERO A, ENGEL A, ZÄNCKER B, FU F, ... (+8)
Resupply of mesopelagic dissolved iron controlled by particulate iron composition ACL 2019 BRESSAC Matthieu, GUIEU Cecile, ELLWOOD M,j, TAGLIABUE A, WAGENER Thiebaut, ... (+4)
Preface to the Special Section: Dense Water Formations in the Northwestern Mediterranean: From the Physical Forcings to the Biogeochemical Consequences ACL 2018 CONAN Pascal, TESTOR Pierre, ESTOURNEL Claude, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, PUJO-PAY Mireille, ... (+1)
Dueling Charges of Plagiarism in the mid-19th Century World of Microscopy - Who was the Copycat? AP 2019 DOLAN John,r
Past and new technological developments at LOV for core and new BGC applications COM 2019 LEYMARIE Edouard, POTEAU Antoine, PENKERC'H Christophe, ALEM Nour, PIERRET Alice, ... (+3)
Discerning dominant temporal patterns of bio-optical properties in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site) ACL 2019 BELLACICCO Marco, VELLUCCI Vincenzo, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ANTOINE David
Role of iron in the Marquesas island mass effect ACL 2019 RAAPOTO Hirohiti, MARTINEZ Elodie, PETRENKO A, DOGLIOLI Andrea, GORGUES Thomas, ... (+5)
New 3-dimensionl biogeochemical products derived from machine learning-based methods AFF 2019 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, CLAUSTRE Herve, GUINEHUT Stephanie
Light, mixing, and the phytoplankton spring bloom at a retreating Arctic ice edge ACL 2019 RANDELHOFF Achim, OZIEL Laurent, MASSICOTTE Philippe, BÉCU Guilain, GALI Marti, ... (+6)
Environmental factors influencing the under-ice spring blooms in Baffin Bay ACL 2019 OZIEL Laurent, MASSICOTTE Philippe, BÉCU Guilain, GALI Marti, LACOUR Leo, ... (+5)
Ernst Haeckel’s Radiolarians and Medusa: The influence of his visits to Villefranche on his science and his art ACL 2019 DOLAN John,r
Small phytoplankton shapes colored dissolved organic matter dynamics in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre ACL 2019 ORGANELLI Emanuele, CLAUSTRE Herve
Distribution and quantification of bioluminescence as an ecological trait in the deep sea benthos ACL 2019 MARTINI Séverine, KUHNZ Linda, MALLEFET Jérôme, HADDOCK Steven,h,d
From network theory to dynamical systems and back: Lagrangian Betweenness reveals bottlenecks in geophysical flows AP 2019 SER-GIACOMI Enrico, BAUDENA Alberto, ROSSI Vincent, VASILE Ruggero, LOPEZ Cristobal, ... (+1)
Observational Needs Supporting Marine Ecosystems Modeling and Forecasting: From the Global Ocean to Regional and Coastal Systems ACL 2019 CAPOTONDI Antonietta, JACOX Michael, BOWLER Chris, KAVANAUGH Maria, LEHODEY P, ... (+26)
Patterns of invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi distribution and variability in different recipient environments of the Eurasian seas: A review ACL 2019 SHIGANOVA Tamara, SOMMER U, JAVIDPOUR Jamileh, MOLINERO Juan-carlos, MALEJ A, ... (+14)
Investigating Particle Size-Flux Relationships and the Biological Pump Across a Range of Plankton Ecosystem States From Coastal to Oligotrophic ACL 2019 FENDER Christian,k, KELLY Thomas,b, GUIDI Lionel, OHMAN M,d, SMITH Matthew,c, ... (+1)
Are tropical coastal reefs sinks or sources of mesozooplankton? A case study in a Brazilian marine protected area ACL 2019 SANTOS Gleice,s, STEMMANN Lars, LOMBARD Fabien, SCHWAMBORN Ralf