Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Assessing the role of dust deposition on phytoplankton ecophysiology and succession in a low-nutrient low-chlorophyll ecosystem: a mesocosm experiment in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2013 GIOVAGNETTI V, BRUNET Christophe, CONVERSANO F, TRAMONTANO F, OBERNOSTERER Ingrid, ... (+2)
Impacts of ocean acidification on marine shelled molluscs ACL 2013 GAZEAU Frederic, PARKER L,m, COMEAU Steeve, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, O'CONNOR Wayne,a, ... (+3)
Ocean acidification and its impacts: an expert survey ACL 2013 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, MACH Katharine,j, MORGAN G
Ecosystem function and particle flux dynamics across the Mackenzie Shelf (Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean): an integrative analysis of spatial variability and biophysical forcings ACL 2013 FOREST A, BABIN Marcel, STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, SAMPEI M, ... (+12)
Toward a multivariate reanalysis of the North Atlantic Ocean biogeochemistry during 1998-2006 based on the assimilation of SeaWiFS chlorophyll data ACL 2013 FONTANA Clément, BRASSEUR Pierre, BRANKART J,m
Pan-Arctic distributions of continental runoff in the Arctic Ocean ACL 2013 FICHOT C, KAISER Karl, HOOKER Stanford,b, AMON Rainer,m,w, BABIN Marcel, ... (+3)
Photoperiod length paces the temporal orchestration of cell cycle and carbon-nitrogen metabolism in Crocosphaera watsonii ACL 2013 DRON Anthony, RABOUILLE Sophie, CLAQUIN Pascal, TALEC Amélie, RAIMBAULT Virginie, ... (+1)
Ocean acidification and temperature rise: effects on calcification during early development of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis ACL 2013 DOREY Narimane, MELZNER Frank, MARTIN Sophie, OBERHAENSLI Francois, TEYSSIÉ J-l, ... (+3)
Tintinnid ciliates of Amundsen Sea (Antarctica) plankton communities ACL 2013 DOLAN John,r, YANG E,j, LEE S-h, KIM S,y
The species-rich assemblages of tintinnids (marine planktonic protists) are structured by mouth size ACL 2013 DOLAN John,r, LANDRY Michael,r, RITCHIE M,e
Doing A Protist Book ACL 2013 DOLAN John,r
Wave buoy measurements at the Antarctic sea ice edge compared with an enhanced ECMWF WAM: Progress towards global waves-in-ice modelling ACL 2013 DOBLE Martin,j, BIDLOT Jean-raymond
Evidence of active dinitrogen fixation in surface waters of the eastern tropical South Pacific during El Nino and La Nina events and evaluation of its potential nutrient controls ACL 2013 DEKAEZEMACKER J, BONNET Sophie, GROSSO O, MOUTIN Thierry, BRESSAC Matthieu, ... (+1)
Interaction of dense shelf water cascading and open-sea convection in the northwestern Mediterranean during winter 2012 ACL 2013 DURRIEU DE MADRON Xavier, HOUPERT Loic, PUIG Pere, SANCHEZ-VIDAL A, TESTOR Pierre, ... (+22)
Carbonate Chemistry and Air-Sea CO2 Flux in a NW Mediterranean Bay Over a Four-Year Period: 2007-2011 ACL 2013 DE CARLO E,h, MOUSSEAU Laure, PASSAFIUME Ornella, DRUPP P,s, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Can stormwater be detected by algae in an urban reef in Hawai'i? ACL 2013 COX Tracy,erin, FOSTER M,s, POPP Brian,n, ABBOTT Isabella,a, SMITH Celia,m
The effects of storm-drains with periodic flows on intertidal algal assemblages in 'Ewa Beach (O'ahu), Hawai'i ACL 2013 COX Tracy,erin, FOSTER M,s
Proliferation of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata in relation to depth, biotic substrate and environmental factors in the North West Mediterranean Sea ACL 2013 COHU Stéphanie, MANGIALAJO Luisa, THIBAUT Thierry, BLANFUNÉ Aurélie, MARRO Sophie, ... (+1)
Near-future reductions in pH will have no consistent ecological effects on the early life-history stages of reef corals ACL 2013 CHUA C,m, LEGGAT W, MOYA Aurélie, BAIRD A,h
Temperature affects the early life history stages of corals more than near future ocean acidification ACL 2013 CHUA C,m, LEGGAT W, MOYA Aurélie, BAIRD A,h
Post-depositional processes: What really happens to new atmospheric iron in the ocean's surface? ACL 2013 BRESSAC Matthieu, GUIEU Cecile
Instrumented elephant seals reveal the seasonality in chlorophyll and light-mixing regime in the iron-fertilized Southern Ocean ACL 2013 BLAIN Séphane, RENAUT S, XING Xiaogang, CLAUSTRE Herve, GUINET Christophe
Occurrence of palytoxins in marine organisms from different trophic levels of the French Mediterranean coast harvested in 2009 ACL 2013 BIRÉ R, TROTEREAU S, LEMEE Rodolphe, DELPONT C, CHABOT B, ... (+2)
Taking Action Against Ocean Acidification: A Review of Management and Policy Options ACL 2013 BILLÉ Raphael, KELLY Ryan, BIASTOCH Arne, HARROULD-KOLIEB Ellycia, HERR Dorothée, ... (+5)
Carbonic anhydrases in anthozoan corals-A review ACL 2013 BERTUCCI Antony, MOYA Aurélie, TAMBUTTÉ S, ALLEMAND Denis, SUPURAN Claudiu,t, ... (+1)
Modeling jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca transport and stranding in the Ligurian Sea ACL 2013 BERLINE Léo, ZAKARDJIAN Bruno, MOLCARD Anne, OURMIERES Y, GUIHOU K
Light absorption and partitioning in Arctic Ocean surface waters: impact of multiyear ice melting ACL 2013 BÉLANGER Simon, CIZMELI S,a, EHN Jens, MATSUOKA Atsushi, DOXARAN David, ... (+2)
Phytoplankton growth formulation in marine ecosystem models: Should we take into account photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry in oligotrophic areas? ACL 2013 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, LÉVY Marina, AUMONT O, SCIANDRA Antoine, SAINTE-MARIE J, ... (+2)
Cascading Effects of Ocean Acidification in a Rocky Subtidal Community ACL 2013 ASNAGHI V, CHIANTORE Mariachiara, MANGIALAJO Luisa, GAZEAU Frederic, FRANCOUR Patrice, ... (+2)
Underwater Radiance Distributions Measured with Miniaturized Multispectral Radiance Cameras ACL 2013 ANTOINE David, MOREL André, LEYMARIE Edouard, HOUYOU Amel, GENTILI Bernard, ... (+8)