Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
EPOCA, the first international project on ocean acidification came to an end in 2012 AP 2013 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, HANSSON Lina
End of first international large-scale research project on ocean acidification AP 2012 HANSSON Lina, BIJMA J, ORR J, RIEBESELL U, TURLEY C, ... (+1)
EPOCA/EUR-OCEANS data compilation on the biological response to ocean acidification: description and applications COM 2013 NISUMAA Anne-marin, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
L’acidification des océans OS 2013 HANSSON Lina, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Toward a dynamic biogeochemical division of the Mediterranean Sea in a context of global climate change COM 2013 REYGONDEAU Gabriel, IRISSON Jean-olivier, GUIEU Cecile, GASPARINI Stéphane, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, ... (+1)
Damping effect of flexible phytoplanktonic C:N ratio on primary production at basin-scale COM 2013 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, LÉVY Marina, AUMONT O, RESPLANDY Laure, TAGLIABUE A, ... (+2)
Transport du "bébé plancton" le long des côtes françaises AP 2013 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Modélisation de l’écosystème pélagique en mer Ligure. Application à la campagne DYNAPROC 2 AP 2008 RAYBAUD Virginie
Short term summer to autumn variability of dissolved lipid classes in the Ligurian sea (NW Mediterranean) ACL 2009 GOUTX Madeleine, GUIGUE C, ARITIO D, GHIGLIONE J,f, PUJO-PAY Mireille, ... (+3)
Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum climate simulations with the IPSL model—part I: comparing IPSL_CM5A to IPSL_CM4 ACL 2013 KAGEYAMA M, BRACONNOT P, BOPP Laurent, CAUBEL A, FOUJOLS Marie-alice, ... (+5)
Robots under ice OV 2011 DOBLE Martin,j
State of Climate 2011 - Global Ocean Phytoplankton ACL 2012 SIEGEL D,a, ANTOINE David, BEHRENFELD Michael,j, HEMBISE FANTON D'ANDON Odile, FIELDS E, ... (+5)
BOUSSOLE : a joint CNRS-INSU, ESA, CNES and NASA Ocean Color Calibration And Validation Activity AP 2006 ANTOINE David, CHAMI Malik, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, MOREL André, ... (+12)
Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum climate simulations with the IPSL model. Part II: model-data comparisons ACL 2013 KAGEYAMA M, BRACONNOT P, BOPP Laurent, GUILYARDI E, LLOYD J, ... (+4)
Characterization of particulate matter (PM> 100 μm) distribution in the oceans COM 2007 GUIDI Lionel, JACKSON G,a, STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, LEGENDRE Louis, ... (+1)
Submesoscale variability of particle (>100 µm) export around station ALOHA COM 2009 GUIDI Lionel, CALIL Paulo,h,r, KARL D,m, KOLBER Zbigniew,s
Carbon export spatial variability: What scale to consider? COM 2011 GUIDI Lionel, STEMMANN Lars, PICHERAL Marc, KARL D,m, GORSKY Gabriel
Mesopelagic fishies : available data for the Biogeographic Atlas COM 2012 VIGETTA Stéphanie, HULLEY Percy-alexander, PRUVOST Patrice, DUHAMEL Guy, KOUBBI Philippe
Avaible data and Initial results mesopelagic fishes COM 2012 VIGETTA Stéphanie, HULLEY Percy-alexander, PRUVOST Patrice, DUHAMEL Guy, KOUBBI Philippe
A comprehensive modular map of molecular interactions in RB/E2F pathway ACL 2008 CALZONE L, GELAY Amélie, ZINOVYEV A, RADVANYI F, BARILLOT E
Atmospheric inputs of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and silicium to NW Mediterranean oligotrophic coastal waters: theoretical impact on phytoplankton dynamics COM 2004 MIGON Christophe, BARTOLI G, SANDRONI Valérie
Presentation of the interdisciplinary operation MELISSA (French national programme PROOF) AFF 2004 MIGON Christophe
Importance of diazotrophy and dry atmospheric inputs of nitrogen in nutrient budget of the western Mediterranean Sea AFF 2005 SANDRONI Valérie, RAIMBAULT Patrick, GARCIA Nicole, GOUZE E, MIGON Christophe
Fertilisation of Mediterranean surface waters by atmospheric inputs of nutrients: a review INV 2005 MIGON Christophe
Characterisation and cycling of dissolved organic matter in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea AFF 2005 JONES Vera, GOGOU A, MIGON Christophe, COLLINS M,j, PENKMAN K,e,h, ... (+1)
The microbial contribution to the dissolved organic matter pool as revealed from amino acid enantiomer analysis AFF 2005 JONES Vera, COLLINS M,j, PENKMAN K,e,h, GOGOU A, MIGON Christophe, ... (+1)
Atmospheric versus fluvial nutrient inputs to coastal ecosystems AFF 2005 BOULART C, FLAMENT P, GENTILHOMME V, DEBOUDT K, MIGON Christophe, ... (+1)
Contraintes géochimiques et hydrodynamiques sur la distribution des concentrations de métaux-traces dans le lagon de Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie COM 2006 MIGON Christophe, OUILLON S, MARI Xavier, NICOLAS Emmanuel
Interaction TEP – métaux-traces COM 2006 MARI Xavier, MIGON Christophe, NICOLAS Emmanuel
Le PPR – PABIM 2 COM 2010 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio