Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Le PPR – PABIM 2 : Etat d’avancement COM 2010 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Le PPR – PABIM : bilan et perspectives COM 2009 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Etat d’avancement du PPR – PABIM COM 2008 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Contrasting distribution of aggregates >100 μm in the upper kilometre of the South-Eastern Pacific AP 2008 GUIDI Lionel, GORSKY Gabriel, CLAUSTRE Herve, PICHERAL Marc, STEMMANN Lars
Meroplankton distribution and its relationship to coastal mesoscale hydrological structure in the northern Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) ACL 2011 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, STOLBA R, COMTET T, THIÉBAUT Eric
Does larval supply explain the low proliferation of the invasive gastropod Crepidula fornicata in a tidal estuary ? ACL 2010 RIGAL F, COMTET T, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, VIARD F
How does the connectivity between populations mediate range limits of marine invertebrates ? A case study in the NE Atlantic ACL 2010 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, LAZURE P, THIÉBAUT Eric
Modelling larval dispersal and settlement of the reef-building polychaete Sabellaria alveolata : role of hydrodynamic processes on the sustainability of biogenic reefs ACL 2009 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, ELLIEN Céline, DUMAS F, DUBOIS S, THIÉBAUT Eric
Holocene evolution of summer winds and marine productivity in the tropical Indian Ocean in response to insolation forcing: data-model comparison ACL 2011 BASSINOT F, MARZIN C, BRACONNOT P, MARTI O, MATHIEN-BLARD E, ... (+2)
Active prey rejection in the filter-feeding appendicularian Oikopleura dioica ACL 2011 LOMBARD Fabien, SELANDER E, KIØRBOE T
Simulating the growth and distribution of planktic foraminifer using an ecophysiological multi-species model ACL 2011 LOMBARD Fabien, LABEYRIE L, MICHEL E, BOPP Laurent, CORTIJO E, ... (+3)
Grazer cues induce stealth behavior in marine dinoflagellates ACL 2011 SELANDER E, JAKOBSEN H,h, LOMBARD Fabien, KIØRBOE T
Oxygen respiration rates of benthic foraminifera as measured with oxygen microsensors ACL 2011 GESLIN E, RISGAARD-PETERSEN N, LOMBARD Fabien, METZGER E, LANGLET D, ... (+1)
Marine snow originating from appendicularian houses: age-changes in settling characteristics ACL 2010 LOMBARD Fabien, KIØRBOE T
Planktonic foraminiferal production along an offshore-onshore transect in the south-eastern Bay of Biscay ACL 2009 RETAILLEAU S, HOWA H, SCHIEBEL R, LOMBARD Fabien, EYNAUD F, ... (+3)
Particle fluxes and recent sediment accumulation on the Aquitanian margin of Bay of Biscay ACL 2009 SCHMIDT S, HOWA H, MOURET A, LOMBARD Fabien, ANSCHUTZ P, ... (+1)
Modelling the temperature dependent growth rates of planktic foraminifera ACL 2009 LOMBARD Fabien, LABEYRIE L, LEA D, SPERO H, MICHEL E
Temperature effect on respiration and photosynthesis rates of the symbiont-bearing foraminifers Globigerinoides ruber, Orbulina universa and Globigerinella siphonifera ACL 2009 LOMBARD Fabien, EREZ J, MICHEL E, LABEYRIE L
Mesopelagic microbial loop: its diversity and function AFF 2008 TANAKA Tsuneo, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Mesopelagic microbial loop: its diversity and function AFF 2009 TANAKA Tsuneo, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Effect of CO2 enrichment on bacterial production and respiration, and on bacterial growth efficiency AFF 2011 MOTEGI Chiaki, TANAKA Tsuneo, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, WEINBAUER Markus,g
SimulO : Simulation Optique par Monte-Carlo 3D AP 2012 LEYMARIE Edouard
On Kofoid's trail: the natural history of independent marine stations AP 2007 DOLAN John,r
A mathematical modelling of bloom of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in a mesocosm experiment ASCL 2008 JOASSIN O, DELILLE B, SOETAERT K, BORGES A,v, CHOU L, ... (+5)
Carbon fixation prediction during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi is highly sensitive to the assumed regulation mechanism ASCL 2009 BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine, RABOUILLE Sophie
A one-month study of the zooplankton community at a fixed station in the Ligurian Sea: the potential impact of the species composition on the mineralization of organic matter ASCL 2009 MOUSSEAU Laure, LEFÈVRE Dominique, NARCY Fanny, NIVAL Paul, ANDERSEN Valérie
Zooplankton of the Mediterranean Sea. ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2008/2009 AP 2009 BONNET Delphine, YEBRA L, FONDA-UMANI S, GORSKY Gabriel, GRAZIA-MAZZOCCHI Maria, ... (+5)
Assessing biases in computing size spectra of automatically classified zooplankton from imaging systems: A case study with the ZooScan integrated system ACL 2012 VANDROMME Pieter, STEMMANN Lars, GARCIA COMAS Carmen, BERLINE Léo, SUN X, ... (+1)
Response to a Skeptic on Satellite Ocean Color AP 2008 BROWN Catherine