Elements : 6121
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Into the future ACL 2005 RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun, DEL GIORGIO P,a
Biological response to P addition in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The microbial race against time ACL 2005 PITTA P, STAMBLER N, TANAKA Tsuneo, ZOHARY T, TSELEPIDES A, ... (+1)
A highresolution simulation of the ocean during the POMME experiment: Simulation results and comparison with observations ACL 2005 PACI A, CANIAUX Guy, GAVART M, GIORDANI Hervé, LÉVY Marina, ... (+2)
Bio-optical and biogeochemical properties of different trophic regimes in oceanic waters ACL 2005 OUBELKHEIR Kadija, CLAUSTRE Herve, SCIANDRA Antoine, BABIN Marcel
Detection of blue-absorbing aerosols using near infrared and visible (ocean color) remote sensing observations ACL 2005 NOBILEAU Delphine, ANTOINE David
Phenological changes in the Northwestern Mediterranean copepods Centropages typicus and Temora stylifera linked to climate forcing ACL 2005 MOLINERO Juan-carlos, IBANEZ Frédéric, SOUISSI S, CHIFFLET Marina, NIVAL Paul
North Atlantic climate and northwestern Mediterranean plankton variability ACL 2005 MOLINERO Juan-carlos, IBANEZ Frédéric, NIVAL Paul, BUECHER Emmanuelle, SOUISSI S
Polar lipid biomarkers of freeliving bacteria from oligotrophic marine waters ACL 2005 MÉJANANELLE L, LAUREILLARD J, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun
Carbon to nitrogen (C: N) stoichiometry of the spring-summer phytoplankton bloom in the North Water polynya (NOW) ACL 2005 MEI Z-p, LEGENDRE Louis, TREMBLAY Jean eric, MILLER L, GRATTON Y, ... (+3)
Respiration in marine zooplankton - the other side of the coin : CO2 production ACL 2005 MAYZAUD Patrick, BOUTOUTE Marc, GASPARINI Stéphane, MOUSSEAU Laure, LEFÈVRE Dominique
Dynamics of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) production by Phaeocystis globosa under N- or Plimitation: a controlling factor of the retention/export balance ACL 2005 MARI Xavier, RASSOULZADEGAN Fereidoun, BRUSSAARD C,p,d, WASSMANN P
Lipids and their oxidation products as biomarkers for carbon cycling in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: results from a sediment trap study ACL 2005 MARCHAND D, MARTY Jean-claude, MIQUEL Juan-carlos, RONTANI Jean-françois
Microbial community production, respiration, and structure of the microbial food web of an ecosystem in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean ACL 2005 MAIXANDEAU A, LEFÈVRE Dominique, KARAYANNI H, CHRISTAKI Urania, VAN WAMBEKE France, ... (+6)
Mesoscale and seasonal variability of community production and respiration in the surface waters of the NE Atlantic Ocean ACL 2005 MAIXANDEAU A, LEFÈVRE Dominique, FERNANDEZ C, SEMPÉRÉ Richard, FUKUDA-SOHRIN R, ... (+4)
Lipid composition of Symphodus ocellatus (Perciforme : Labridae) in the north-western Mediterranean: influence of two different biotopes ACL 2005 LEVI F, MAYZAUD Patrick, BOUTOUTE Marc
Integrating functional biodiversity, food-web processes and biogeochemical carbon fluxes into a conceptual approach for modeling the upper ocean in -75- a high-CO2 world ACL 2005 LEGENDRE Louis, RIVKIN R,b
A seasonal study of diatom dynamics in the North Atlantic during the POMME experiment (2001): evidence for Si limitation of the spring bloom ACL 2005 LEBLANC K, LEYNAERT A, FERNANDEZ C, RIMMELIN P, MOUTIN Thierry, ... (+3)
Ecosystem dynamics based on plankton functional types for global ocean biogeochemistry models ACL 2005 LE QUÉRÉ C, HARRISON S,p, PRENTICE I,c, BUITENHUIS E,t, AUMONT O, ... (+15)
Population dynamics of Themisto gaudichaudii in Kerguelen Islands waters, Southern Indian Ocean ACL 2005 LABAT Jean-philippe, MAYZAUD Patrick, SABINI Stéphanie
Summary and overview of the CYCLOPS P addition Lagrangian experiment in the Eastern Mediterranean ACL 2005 KROM M,d, THINGSTAD T,f, BRENNER S, CARBO P, DRAKOPOULOS P, ... (+23)
Effect of P and N addition to oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean waters influenced by near-shore waters: A microcosm experiment ACL 2005 KRESS N, THINGSTAD T,f, PITTA P, PSARRA S, TANAKA Tsuneo, ... (+7)
Modeling the primary and secondary productions of the southern Benguela upwelling system: A comparative study through two biogeochemical models ACL 2005 KONÉ Vamara, MACHU E, PENVEN P, ANDERSEN Valérie, GARÇON Véronique, ... (+2)
Comment on «Coral reef calcification and climate change: The effect of ocean warming» ACL 2005 KLEYPAS Joan,a, BUDDEMEIER R,w, EAKIN C,m, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, GUINOTTE J, ... (+6)
Response of East Mediterranean surface water to Saharan dust: On-board microcosm experiment and field observations ACL 2005 HERUT B, ZOHARY T, KROM M,d, MANTOURA Fauzi, PITTA P, ... (+4)
Vertical particle flux in the northeast Atlantic Ocean (POMME experiment) ACL 2005 GUIEU Cecile, ROY-BARMAN M, LEBLOND Nathalie, JEANDEL Catherine, SOUHAUT M, ... (+3)
Biomass burning as a source of dissolved iron to open ocean ? ACL 2005 GUIEU Cecile, BONNET Sophie, WAGENER Thibault, LOŸE-PILOT M,d
Variations in space and time of nematode abundances at 2347 m depth in the north-western Mediterranean ACL 2005 GUIDI-GUILVARD Laurence, DALLOT Serge, LABAT Jean-philippe
Particle flux in the northeast Atlantic Ocean during the POMME experiment (2001): Results from mass, carbon, nitrogen, and lipid biomarkers from the drifting sediment traps ACL 2005 GOUTX Madeleine, GUIGUE C, LEBLOND Nathalie, DESNUES A, DUFOUR Aurélie, ... (+2)
A simplified 3D oceanic model assimilating geostrophic currents: Application to the POMME experiment ACL 2005 GIORDANI Hervé, CANIAUX Guy, PRIEUR Louis
A 1 year mesoscale simulation of the northeast Atlantic: Mixed layer heat and mass budgets during the POMME experiment ACL 2005 GIORDANI Hervé, CANIAUX Guy, PRIEUR Louis, PACI A, GIRAUD S