Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Water mass modification and mixing rates in a 1/12 degrees simulation of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago ACL 2017 HUGHES K,g, KLYMAK Jody,m, HU Xiaozhong, MYERS P,g
Reflection of Linear Internal Tides from Realistic Topography: The Tasman Continental Slope ACL 2016 KLYMAK Jody,m, SIMMONS H, BRAZNIKOV D, KELLY S, MACKINNON J,a, ... (+3)
Warming and Weakening of the Abyssal Flow through Samoan Passage ACL 2016 VOET G, ALFORD Matthew,h, GIRTON J,b, CARTER G,s, MICKETT J,b, ... (+1)
Submesoscale streamers exchange water on the north wall of the Gulf Stream ACL 2016 KLYMAK Jody,m, SHEARMAN R,k, GULA J, LEE C, D'ASARO Eric, ... (+6)
Symmetric Instability, Inertial Oscillations, and Turbulence at the Gulf Stream Front ACL 2016 THOMAS L, TAYLOR Joe,d, D'ASARO Eric, LEE C, KLYMAK Jody,m, ... (+1)
Dissipation of Internal Wave Energy Generated on a Critical Slope ACL 2015 GEMMRICH J, KLYMAK Jody,m
Barotropic tidal dynamics in a frictional subsidiary channel ACL 2015 WAN D, KLYMAK Jody,m, FOREMAN Mgg, CROSS S,f
The LatMix Summer Campaign: Submesoscale Stirring in the Upper Ocean ACL 2015 SHCHERBINA A,y, SUNDERMEYER M,a, KUNZE E, D'ASARO Eric, BADIN G, ... (+33)
Outside influences on the water column of Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island ACL 2015 BEDARD J,m, VAGLE S, KLYMAK Jody,m, WILLIAMS W,j, CURRY Beth, ... (+1)
The formation and fate of internal waves in the South China Sea ACL 2015 ALFORD Matthew,h, PEACOCK T, MACKINNON J,a, NASH Jonathan, BUIJSMAN M,c, ... (+37)
Seasonality in submesoscale turbulence ACL 2015 CALLIES J, FERRARI Raffaele, KLYMAK Jody,m, GULA J
Along-isopycnal variability of spice in the North Pacific ACL 2015 KLYMAK Jody,m, CRAWFORD W,r, ALFORD Matthew,h, MACKINNON J,a, PINKEL R
Pathways, Volume Transport, and Mixing of Abyssal Water in the Samoan Passage ACL 2015 VOET G, GIRTON J,b, ALFORD Matthew,h, CARTER G,s, KLYMAK Jody,m, ... (+1)
Mode-2 hydraulic control of flow over a small ridge on a continental shelf ACL 2014 GREGG Mc, KLYMAK Jody,m
Observations of the internal tide on the California continental margin near Monterey Bay ACL 2014 TERKER S,r, GIRTON J,b, KUNZE E, KLYMAK Jody,m, PINKEL R
Three- Dimensional Double- Ridge Internal Tide Resonance in Luzon Strait ACL 2014 BUIJSMAN M,c, KLYMAK Jody,m, LEGG S, ALFORD Matthew,h, FARMER D, ... (+5)
Breaking internal lee waves at Kaena Ridge, Hawaii ACL 2014 ALFORD Matthew,h, KLYMAK Jody,m, CARTER G,s
Turbulent mixing and hydraulic control of abyssal water in the Samoan Passage ACL 2013 ALFORD Matthew,h, GIRTON J,b, VOET G, CARTER G,s, MICKETT J,b, ... (+1)
Statistics of vertical vorticity, divergence, and strain in a developed submesoscale turbulence field ACL 2013 SHCHERBINA A,y, D'ASARO Eric, LEE C, KLYMAK Jody,m, MOLEMAKER M,j, ... (+1)
Estimating Oceanic Turbulence Dissipation from Seismic Images ACL 2013 HOLBROOK W,s, FER Ilker, SCHMITT R,w, LIZARRALDE D, KLYMAK Jody,m, ... (+2)
Breaking Topographic Lee Waves in a Tidal Channel in Luzon Strait ACL 2012 PINKEL R, BUIJSMAN M,c, KLYMAK Jody,m
Parameterizing Surface and Internal Tide Scattering and Breaking on Supercritical Topography: The One- and Two-Ridge Cases ACL 2013 KLYMAK Jody,m, BUIJSMAN M,c, LEGG S, PINKEL R
The Latitudinal Dependence of Shear and Mixing in the Pacific Transiting the Critical Latitude for PSI ACL 2013 MACKINNON J,a, ALFORD Matthew,h, PINKEL R, KLYMAK Jody,m, ZHAO Z,x
Parametric Subharmonic Instability of the Internal Tide at 29 degrees N ACL 2013 MACKINNON J,a, ALFORD Matthew,h, SUN O, PINKEL R, ZHAO Z,x, ... (+1)
The Direct Breaking of Internal Waves at Steep Topography ACL 2012 KLYMAK Jody,m, LEGG S, ALFORD Matthew,h, BUIJSMAN M,c, PINKEL R, ... (+1)
Double-Ridge Internal Tide Interference and Its Effect on Dissipation in Luzon Strait ACL 2012 BUIJSMAN M,c, LEGG S, KLYMAK Jody,m
Annual Cycle and Depth Penetration of Wind-Generated Near-Inertial Internal Waves at Ocean Station Papa in the Northeast Pacific ACL 2012 ALFORD Matthew,h, CRONIN M,f, KLYMAK Jody,m
Semidiurnal Baroclinic Wave Momentum Fluxes at Kaena Ridge, Hawaii ACL 2012 PINKEL R, RAINVILLE Luc, KLYMAK Jody,m
Mechanisms controlling the global oceanic distribution of the inert gases argon, nitrogen and neon ACL 2002 HAMME Roberta,c, EMERSON S,r
The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater ACL 2004 HAMME Roberta,c, EMERSON S,r