Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Floating plastics and their associated biota in the Western South Atlantic ACL 2022 LACERDA Ana-luzia, TAYLOR Joe,d, RODRIGUES L,c, KESSLER Felipe, SECCHI Eduardo, ... (+1)
Best Practice Data Standards for Discrete Chemical Oceanographic Observations ACL 2022 JIANG L-q, PIERROT Denis, WANNINKHOF Rik, FEELY R,a, TILBROOK Bronte, ... (+35)
Response of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi to elevated pCO2 under nitrate limitation AFF 2003 SCIANDRA Antoine, HARLAY J, LEFÈVRE Dominique, LEMEE Rodolphe, RIMMELIN P, ... (+2)
Response of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi to elevated pCO2 under nitrate limitation AFF 2004 SCIANDRA Antoine, HARLAY J, LEFÈVRE Dominique, LEMEE Rodolphe, RIMMELIN P, ... (+2)
Nitrate uptake in simulated deep mixed-layer. Interference with photosynthesis and cell division COM 2004 SCIANDRA Antoine
Le chémostat: Théorie et retour au réel INV 2002 SCIANDRA Antoine
Growth compensating phenomena in continuous cultures of Dunaliella tertiolecta limited simultaneously by light and nitrate AFF 1996 SCIANDRA Antoine
Etude de la croissance et de l'absorption de nitrate chez une algue phytoplanctonique (Prorocentrum minimum: dinophyceae) soumises à des apports impulsionnels et périodiques de nitrate AP 1995 SCIANDRA Antoine
Effects of nitrogen limitation on growth and nitrite excretion rates of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum ACTI 1994 SCIANDRA Antoine
Dynamics of nitrate uptake and cell division rates of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum in a nitrate pulsed experiment AFF 1993 SCIANDRA Antoine
Cycle cellulaire et fluctuations de populations phytoplanctoniques en interaction avec une ressource variable. Conditions d'application des modèles à quota ACTN 1997 SCIANDRA Antoine
Interactive effects of light and cell division on the nitrate uptake of Thalassiosira weissflogii grown in an experimentally simulated deep mixed layer AFF 2004 PAWLOWSKI Lionel, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
Non linear modelling of the coupling between carbon and nitrogen pathways during phytoplankton growth. Validation with chemostat experiments AFF 2002 PAWLOWSKI Lionel, BERNARD Olivier, LE FLOC'H Emilie, SCIANDRA Antoine
Le chémostat: un outil de développement et de validation de modèles de croissance phytoplanctonique INV 2002 PAWLOWSKI Lionel, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
Estimating the Hurst exponent of self-similar processes. Application in marine ecology COM 2006 MANTÉ Claude, NERINI David, SCIANDRA Antoine, YAO A,f
Combien de temps vit le dinoflagellé Prorocentrum minimum ? Une approche via la statistique des processus COM 2006 MANTÉ Claude, NERINI David, SCIANDRA Antoine
Adaptation of pigment composition to interactive effects of light an nitrogen in Rhodomonas salina (cryptophyceae) AFF 2001 LE FLOC'H Emilie, SCIANDRA Antoine
Growth rate, absorption and fluorescence, elemental and pigment composition of Cryptomonas sp. under light and nitrogen stresses AFF 1999 LAZZARA L, SCIANDRA Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, BABIN Marcel, MORI C
Photoacclimation of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana to natural fluctuating light and constant conditions under nitrogen deficiency AFF 2006 KASALICKY V, ZROTALOVA K, SCIANDRA Antoine, BABIN Marcel, PRASIL O
Carboxylation and nutrient uptake ACTI 1996 DESCOLAS-GROS Chantal, DENIS M, GOSTAN Jacques, JUPIN H,j, COLLOS Yves, ... (+4)
Impact of elevated pCO2 on optical properties of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi grown under nitrate limitation AFF 2003 DENIS M, SCIANDRA Antoine, HARLAY J, LEFÈVRE Dominique, LEMEE Rodolphe, ... (+2)
Effects of increased CO2 partial pressure on the chemical composition and microbial degradation of the microalgae Emiliania huxleyi AFF 2003 BOURGUET N, GOUTX Madeleine, VAN WAMBEKE France, GUIGUE C, SCIANDRA Antoine, ... (+1)
Software sensor as a new tool to monitor the internal nitrogen quota of algae AFF 2001 BERNARD Olivier, SCIANDRA Antoine
Modelling the response of the marine microalgae Emiliania huxleyi to an elevation of pCO2 ACTI 2006 BERNARD Olivier, MADANI S, SCIANDRA Antoine
A discrete, size-structured model of phytoplankton growth in the chemostat AP 2000 ARINO Julien, GOUZÉ Jean-luc, SCIANDRA Antoine
The benthic toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata in the NW Mediterranean Sea: Relationship between sea surface temperature and bloom phenology ACL 2022 DROUET Kevin, JAUZEIN Cécile, GASPARINI Stéphane, PAVAUX Anne-sophie, BERDALET E, ... (+4)
2022 David Cushing Prize ACL 2022 DOLAN John,r
Impact de la température sur les interactions entre la microalgue marine Micromonas et les virus qui l’infectent AFF 2017 DEMORY David, ARSENIEFF Laure, SIMON Nathalie, SIX Christophe, RIGAUT-JALABERT Fabienne, ... (+7)
Does mixing in suspended cultures enhance photosynthesis? Towards moving biofilms AFF 2018 BERNARD Olivier, BONNEFOND Hubert, DEMORY David, COMBE Charlotte, SAINTE-MARIE J, ... (+2)
Enhancing Tetraselmis suecica biofilm productivity by adding organic and inorganic carbon COM 2019 CAÏA Margaux, GUIHÉNEUF Freddy, BONNEFOND Hubert, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier