Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
From population connectivity to the art of striping Russian dolls: the lessons from Pocillopora corals ACL 2018 GELIN P, FAUVELOT Cecile, BIGOT Lionel, BALY Joseph, MAGALON H
Phylogeography of Noah’s giant clam ACL 2017 FAUVELOT Cecile, ANDREFOUET Serge, GRULOIS D, TIAVOUANE J, WABNITZ C, ... (+2)
Understanding the Dynamics of the Oxic-Anoxic Interface in the Black Sea ACL 2018 STANEV Emil,vassilev, POULAIN Pierre-marie, GRAYEK Sebastian, JOHNSON Ken,s, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+1)
A global ocean atlas of eukaryotic genes ACL 2018 CARRADEC Quentin, PELLETIER Eric, DA SILVA Corinne, ALBERTI Adriana, SEELEUTHNER Yoann, ... (+33)
Single-cell genomics of multiple uncultured stramenopiles reveals underestimated functional diversity across oceans ACL 2018 SEELEUTHNER Yoann, MONDY Samuel, LOMBARD Vincent, CARRADEC Quentin, PELLETIER Eric, ... (+29)
The epibiotic life of the cosmopolitan diatom Fragilariopsis doliolus on heterotrophic ciliates in the open ocean ACL 2018 VINCENT Flora, COLIN Sébastien, ROMAC Sarah, SCALCO Eleonora, BITTNER Lucie, ... (+6)
Light Absorption by Suspended Particles in the Red Sea: Effect of Phytoplankton Community Size Structure and Pigment Composition ACL 2018 KHEIREDDINE Malika, OUHSSAIN Mustapha, ORGANELLI Emanuele, BRICAUD Annick, JONES Vera
Discrete and continuous reproductive tactics in a hermaphroditic society ACL 2012 WONG Marian,y,l, FAUVELOT Cecile, PLANES S, BUSTON Peter,m
The application of genetics to marine management and conservation: examples from the Indo-Pacific ACL 2014 VON DER HEYDEN Sophie, BEGER Maria, TOONEN Robert,j, VAN HERWERDEN Lynne, ANTONETTE JUINIO-MENEZ Marie, ... (+3)
Phylogeography of the common ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) reveals cryptic diversity and multiple colonization events across its distribution ACL 2009 VIRGILIO Massimiliano, FAUVELOT Cecile, COSTANTINI F, ABBIATI M, BACKELJAU Thierry
Drivers of density for the exploited giant clam Tridacna maxima: a meta-analysis ACL 2016 VAN WYNSBERGE Simon, ANDREFOUET Serge, GAERTNER-MAZOUNI Nabila, WABNITZ C, GILBERT Antoine, ... (+3)
Considering reefscape configuration and composition in biophysical models advance seascape genetics ACL 2017 VAN WYNSBERGE Simon, ANDREFOUET Serge, GAERTNER-MAZOUNI Nabila, TIAVOUANE J, GRULOIS D, ... (+3)
ARES: software to compare allelic richness between uneven samples ACL 2007 VAN LOON E,e, CLEARY D,f,r, FAUVELOT Cecile
Isolation and characterization of fifteen microsatellite loci for the giant clam Hippopus hippopus (family Tridacnidae) ACL 2014 TIAVOUANE J, JACOB Thea, DUMAS Pascal,paul, FAUVELOT Cecile
First record of the Devil Clam, Tridacna mbalavuana Ladd 1934, in New Caledonia ACL 2017 TIAVOUANE J, FAUVELOT Cecile
Molecular characterization reveals the complexity of previously overlooked coral-exosymbiont interactions and the implications for coral-guild ecology ACL 2017 ROUZE Heloise, LERAY M, MAGALON H, PENIN L, GELIN P, ... (+2)
Isolation by distance and vicariance drive genetic structure of a coral reef fish in the Pacific Ocean ACL 2002 PLANES S, FAUVELOT Cecile
Genetic diversity loss associated to high mortality and environmental stress during the recruitment stage of a coral reef fish ACL 2011 PINI J, PLANES S, ROCHEL E, LECCHINI David, FAUVELOT Cecile
Present-day genetic composition suggests contrasting demographic histories of two dominant chaetognaths of the North-East Atlantic, Sagitta elegans and S-setosa ACL 2005 PEIJNENBURG K,t,c,a, VAN HAASTRECHT E,k, FAUVELOT Cecile
Spatial and temporal genetic structure of the planktonic Sagitta setosa (Chaetognatha) in European seas as revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers ACL 2006 PEIJNENBURG Katja,t,c,a, FAUVELOT Cecile, BREEUWER A,j, MENKEN S,b,j
Microsatellite flanking region similarities among different loci within insect species ACL 2007 MEGLECZ E, ANDERSON S,j, BOURGUET D, BUTCHER R, CALDAS A, ... (+15)
New tools for the spatial management of living marine resources ACL 2010 KAPLAN David,m, PLANES S, FAUVELOT Cecile, BROCHIER Timothee, LETT C, ... (+4)
Uncertainty in empirical estimates of marine larval connectivity ACL 2017 KAPLAN David,m, CUIF Marion, FAUVELOT Cecile, VIGLIOLA Laurent, TRI Nguyen-huu, ... (+2)
Unexpected high densities of the hybrid coral Acropora prolifera (Lamarck 1816) in Guadeloupe Island, Lesser Antilles ACL 2014 JAPAUD A, FAUVELOT Cecile, BOUCHON C
High clonality in Acropora palmata and Acropora cervicornis populations of Guadeloupe, French Lesser Antilles ACL 2015 JAPAUD A, BOUCHON C, MANCEAU J,l, FAUVELOT Cecile
Seventeen new exon-primed intron-crossing polymerase chain reaction amplifiable introns in fish ACL 2002 HASSAN M, LEMAIRE C, FAUVELOT Cecile, BONHOMME F
Isolation and characterization of fifteen microsatellite loci for the giant clam Tridacna maxima ACL 2015 GRULOIS D, TIAVOUANE J, DUMAS Pascal,paul, FAUVELOT Cecile
Isolation and characterization of fifteen microsatellite loci in two-spined angelfish Centropyge bispinosa (family Pomacanthidae) with cross-amplification success in four Centropyge congeners ACL 2015 GRULOIS D, PLANES S, FAUVELOT Cecile
Endangered New Caledonian endemic mushroom coral Cantharellus noumeae in turbid, metal-rich, natural and artificial environments ACL 2015 GILBERT Antoine, HEINTZ Tom, HOEKSEMA Bert,w, BENZONI F, FERNANDEZ Jean-michel, ... (+2)
Superclone Expansion, Long-Distance Clonal Dispersal and Local Genetic Structuring in the Coral Pocillopora damicornis Type beta in Reunion Island, South Western Indian Ocean ACL 2017 GELIN P, FAUVELOT Cecile, MEHN Vincent, BUREAU Sophie, ROUZE Heloise, ... (+1)