Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Shelled pteropods in peril: Assessing vulnerability in a high CO2 ocean ACL 2017 MANNO Clara, BEDNARSEK Nina, TARLING G,a, PECK Vicky,l, COMEAU Steeve, ... (+27)
Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals ACL 2017 HUGHES Terry,p, KERRY James,t, ALVAREZ-NORIEGA Mariana, ALVAREZ-ROMERO Jorge,g, ANDERSON Kristen,d, ... (+41)
Coralline algae elevate pH at the site of calcification under ocean acidification ACL 2017 CORNWALL Christopher,e, COMEAU Steeve, MCCULLOCH Malcolm,t
Daily variation in net primary production and net calcification in coral reef communities exposed to elevated pCO2 ACL 2017 COMEAU Steeve, EDMUNDS Peter,j, LANTZ Coulson, CARPENTER Robert,c
Determination of the absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from underway spectrophotometry ACL 2017 DALL'OLMO Giorgio, BREWIN Robert,j,w, NENCIOLI Francesco, ORGANELLI Emanuele, LEFERING Ina, ... (+6)
Atmospheric nutrients in seawater under current and high pCO2 conditions after Saharan dust deposition: Results from three minicosm experiments ACL 2018 LOUIS Justine, GAZEAU Frederic, GUIEU Cecile
Regionalisation of the Mediterranean basin, a MERMEX synthesis ACL 2018 AYATA Sakina-dorothée, IRISSON Jean-olivier, AUBERT Anais, BERLINE Léo, DUTAY J,c, ... (+7)
Advancing Ocean Acidification Biology Using Durafet® pH Electrodes ACL 2017 KAPSENBERG Lydia, BOCKMON Emily,e, BRESNAHAN Philip,j, KROEKER Kristy, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, ... (+1)
Effects of in situ CO2 enrichment on epibiont settlement on artificial substrata within a Posidonia oceanica meadow ACL 2017 COX Tracy,erin, DIAZ-CASTANEDA Victoria, MARTIN Sophie, ALLIOUANE Samir, MAHACEK Paul, ... (+3)
Surface properties of SAR11 bacteria facilitate grazing avoidance ACL 2017 DADON-PILOSOF A, CONLEY Keats,r, JACOBI Yuval, HABER Markus, LOMBARD Fabien, ... (+9)
Unexpected winter phytoplankton blooms in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre ACL 2017 LACOUR Leo, ARDYNA Mathieu, STEC Krzysztof, CLAUSTRE Herve, PRIEUR Louis, ... (+3)
Continuous selection pressure to improve temperature acclimation of Tisochrysis lutea ACL 2017 BONNEFOND Hubert, GRIMAUD Ghjuvan,micaelu, RUMIN Judith, BOUGARAN Gaël, TALEC Amélie, ... (+5)
Plankton assemblage estimated with BGC-Argo floats in the Southern Ocean : implications for seasonal successions and particle exports ACL 2017 REMBAUVILLE Mathieu, BRIGGS Nathan, ARDYNA Mathieu, UITZ Julia, CATALA Philippe, ... (+4)
Plastic fragments at the surface of the Mediterranean Sea COM 2014 PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, PETIT Stephanie
A primer on ocean acidification and its consequences INV 2013 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Research on ocean acidification and ocean carbon uptake: What synergies are needed in the future? INV 2014 GATTUSO Jean-pierre
European Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (eFoce) experiment INV 2014 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, GAZEAU Frederic, LEGENDRE Louis
Long term (1981-2008) monitoring of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) on Mediterranean Coasts (Principality of Monaco and French Riviera) ACLN 2012 BERNARD P, BERLINE Léo, GORSKY Gabriel
Proceedings of the International Congress on Ostreopsis Development (ICOD, April 2011, France) ACTI 2012 LEMEE Rodolphe, CHIANTORE Mariachiara, MANGIALAJO Luisa
SeaExplorer Glider Breaks Two World Records Multisensor UUV Achieves Global Milestones for Endurance, Distance ACLN 2014 CLAUSTRE Herve, BEGUERY L, PATRICE P,l,a
Distribution et fonction du mésozooplancton dans le premier kilomètre de l'océan global AP 2021 SOVIADAN Dodji,yawouvi
Impact de la température sur la biogéographie et la phénologie des dinoflagellés benthiques toxiques du genre Ostreopsis en Méditerranée et en Atlantique AP 2020 DROUET Kevin
La dynamique des maxima profonds de phytoplancton : une approche globale avec les flotteurs biogéochimiques Argo AP 2020 CORNEC Marin
Apport des données méta-omiques dans la détection et la quantification des traits fonctionnels au sein des écosystèmes planctoniques AP 2020 FAURE Emile
Phytoplankton light absorption and the package effect in relation to photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments in the northern tip of Antarctic Peninsula ACL 2017 FERREIRA A, CIOTTI Aurea,m, MENDES Carlos,rafael, UITZ Julia, BRICAUD Annick
Pan-Arctic optical characteristics of colored dissolved organic matter: Tracing dissolved organic carbon in changing Arctic waters using satellite ocean color data ACL 2017 MATSUOKA Atsushi, BOSS Emmanuel, BABIN Marcel, KARP-BOSS Lee, HAFEZ Mark, ... (+4)
Observation of oxygen ventilation into deep waters through targeted deployment of multiple Argo-O2 floats in the north-western Mediterranean Sea in 2013 ACL 2017 COPPOLA Laurent, PRIEUR Louis, TAUPIER-LETAGE Isabelle, ESTOURNEL Claude, TESTOR Pierre, ... (+4)
Trophic pathways of phytoplankton size classes through the zooplankton food-web over the spring transition period in the north-west Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 HUNT Brian,p,v, CARLOTTI François, DONOSO Katty, PAGANO M, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+2)
Exploring Microdiversity in Novel Kordia sp. (Bacteroidetes) with Proteorhodopsin from the Tropical Indian Ocean via Single Amplified Genomes ACL 2017 ROYO-LLONCH Marta, FERRERA Isabel, CORNEJO-CASTILLO Francisco,m, SÁNCHEZ Pablo, SALAZAR Guillem, ... (+7)
Water intrusions and particle signatures in the Black Sea: a Biogeochemical-Argo float investigation ACL 2017 STANEV Emil,vassilev, GRAYEK Sebastian, CLAUSTRE Herve, SCHMECHTIG Catherine, POTEAU Antoine