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Références (34)
Gattuso J-P, Magnan A, Billé R, Cheung WWL, Howes EL, Joos F, Allemand D, Bopp L, Cooley SR, Eakin CM, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Kelly R, Pörtner H-O, Rogers AD, Baxter AM, Laffoley D, Osborn D, Rankovic A, Rochette J, Sumaila UR, Treyer S, Turley C (2015) Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios. Science 349 | doi: 10.1126/science.aac4722
Jaubert J, Allemand D, Alliouane S, Brunel O, Maurel P, Orengo S, Ounaïs-Thevenin N, Reynaud S, Tambutté E, Gattuso J-P (2015) Evolution of a 26 years old captive reef kept at the Monaco’s Oceanographic Museum. International Aquarium Congress. Vancouver, Canada