The effect of Time Scales in Photosynthesis on microalgae Productivity

Type : ACTI
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2013
Lieu de publication : -
Titre de la conférence : -
Lieu de la conférence : -
Année de la conférence : 2013
Date de début : -
Date de fin : -
Titre du proceeding : Proceedings of the 2013 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Conference
Editeur de presse : Springer
Volume : -
Fascicule : -
Pages :
Auteurs (3) : HARTMANN Philipp BÉCHET Quentin BERNARD Olivier
Editeurs scientifiques (0) :
DOI : -
Abstract : Microalgae are often seen as a potential biofuel producer. In order to predict achievable productivities in the so called raceway culturing system, the dy- namics of photosynthesis has to be taken into account. In particular, the dynamical effect of inhibition by an excess of light (photoinhibition) must be represented. We propose a model considering both photosynthesis and growth dynamics. This model involves three different time scales. We study the response of this model to uctuating light with different frequencies by slow/fast approximations. Therefore, we identify three di
erent regimes for which a simplied expression for the model can be derived. These expressions give a hint on productivity improvement which can be expected by stimulating photosynthesis with a faster hydrodynamics
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Citation :
Hartmann P, Béchet Q, Bernard O (2013) The effect of Time Scales in Photosynthesis on microalgae Productivity. Proceedings of the 2013 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering Conference. Springer