Type | : | ACTI |
Nature | : | Production scientifique |
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire | : | Oui |
Statut de publication | : | Publié |
Année de publication | : | 2013 |
Lieu de publication | : | - |
Titre de la conférence | : | - |
Lieu de la conférence | : | Zurich, Switzerland |
Année de la conférence | : | 2013 |
Date de début | : | - |
Date de fin | : | - |
Titre du proceeding | : | Proceedings of the European Control Conference (2013) |
Editeur de presse | : | - |
Volume | : | - |
Fascicule | : | - |
Pages | : | |
Auteurs (4) | : | HARTMANN Philipp NIKOLAOU Andreas CHACHUAT Benoît BERNARD Olivier |
Editeurs scientifiques (0) | : | |
DOI | : | - |
URL | : | http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/85/22/56/pdf/2013_hartmann_ecc.pdf |
Abstract | : | Microalgae are often considered a promising alternativefor production of renewable energy, particularly asa potential producer of biodiesel. In order to improve largescale,industrial culturing systems, the development of mathematicalmodels that are capable of predicting photosyntheticproductivity under dynamic conditions is crucial. Especiallyimportant are the processes of growth inhibition due to excesslight, known as photoinhibition, and of adjustment of the lightharvesting capacity to photon flux, known as photoacclimation.In this paper, we develop a dynamic model that accounts forthe processes of photoinhibition, photoacclimation and growthin microalgae, thereby spanning multiple time scales. Theproperties of the model are investigated under quasi steadystateconditions and the model is validated against severalexperimental data sets from the literature. We also discusshow the model can provide new insights into the mechanismsunderlying photoacclimation |
Mots-clés | : | - |
Commentaire | : | - |
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Fichier attaché | : | - |
Citation | : |
Hartmann P, Nikolaou A, Chachuat B, Bernard O (2013) A dynamic Model coupling Photoacclimation and Photoinhibition in Microalgae. Proceedings of the European Control Conference (2013).