Cell cycle implication on nitrogen acquisition and synchronization in Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae)

Type : ACL
Nature : Production scientifique
Au bénéfice du Laboratoire : Oui
Statut de publication : Publié
Année de publication : 2013
Auteurs (4) : MOCQUET Christophe SCIANDRA Antoine TALEC Amélie BERNARD Olivier
Revue scientifique : Journal of Phycology
Volume : 49
Fascicule : 2
Pages : 371-380
DOI : 10.1111/jpy.12045
URL : -
Abstract : The MichaelisMenten model of nitrogen (N) acquisition, originally used to represent the effect of nutrient concentration on the phytoplankton uptake rate, is inadequate when other factors show temporal variations. Literature generally links diurnal oscillations of N acquisition to a response of the physiological status of microalgae to photon flux density (PFD) and substrate availability. This work describes how the cell cycle also constitutes a significant determinant of N acquisition and, when appropriate, assesses the impact of this property at the macroscopic level. For this purpose, we carried out continuous culture experiments with the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. Fryxell & Hasle exposed to various conditions of light and N supply. The results revealed that a decrease in N acquisition occurred when a significant proportion of the population was in mitosis. This observation suggests that N acquisition is incompatible with mitosis and therefore that its acquisition rate is not constant during the cell cycle. In addition, environmental conditions, such as light and nutrient supply disrupt the cell cycle at the level of the individual cell, which impacts synchrony of the population.
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Commentaire : Times Cited: 2 Bernard, Olivier/J-1133-2014 Bernard, Olivier/0000-0003-2539-9014 2
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Citation :
Mocquet C, Sciandra A, Talec A, Bernard O (2013) Cell cycle implication on nitrogen acquisition and synchronization in Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae). J Phycol 49: 371-380 | doi: 10.1111/jpy.12045