Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Apparent optical properties of the Canadian Beaufort Sea - Part 1: Observational overview and water column relationships ACL 2013 ANTOINE David, HOOKER Stanford,b, BÉLANGER Simon, MATSUOKA Atsushi, BABIN Marcel
Seasonal dynamics in colored dissolved organic matter in the Mediterranean Sea: Patterns and drivers ACL 2014 XING Xiaogang, CLAUSTRE Herve, WANG Haili, POTEAU Antoine, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Seasonal variations of bio-optical properties and their interrelationships observed by Bio-Argo floats in the subpolar North Atlantic ACL 2014 XING Xiaogang, CLAUSTRE Herve, UITZ Julia, MIGNOT Alexandre, POTEAU Antoine, ... (+1)
Comparison of Deep-Water Viromes from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2014 WINTER Christian, GARCIA Juan,a,l, WEINBAUER Markus,g, DUBOW Michael,s, HERNDL Gerhard,j
Retrieval of the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic aerosol optical and microphysical properties from POLDER/PARASOL measurements ACL 2014 WAQUET F, PEERS F, GOLOUB P, DUCOS F, THIEULEUX F, ... (+4)
Impact of river discharge, upwelling and vertical mixing on the nutrient loading and productivity of the Canadian Beaufort Shelf ACL 2014 TREMBLAY Jean eric, RAIMBAULT Patrick, GARCIA Nicole, LANSARD B, BABIN Marcel, ... (+1)
Onset of the spring bloom in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: influence of environmental pulse events on the in situ hourly-scale dynamics of the phytoplankton community structure ACL 2014 THYSSEN Melilotus, GREGORI Gérald j, GRISONI Jean-michel, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, MOUSSEAU Laure, ... (+5)
Enhanced sea-air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea ACL 2014 SUN Qingyang, TANG D, LEGENDRE Louis, SHI Ping
Interactions between invasive ctenophores in the Black Sea: assessment of control mechanisms based on long-term observations ACL 2014 SHIGANOVA Tamara, LEGENDRE Louis, KAZMIN Alexander,s, NIVAL Paul
Variation of lithium isotope geochemistry during basalt weathering and secondary mineral transformations in Hawaii ACL 2014 RYU Jong-sik, VIGIER Nathalie, LEE S-w, LEE Kwang-sik, CHADWICK O
Degradation of sterols and terrigenous organic matter in waters of the Mackenzie Shelf, Canadian Arctic ACL 2014 RONTANI Jean-françois, CHARRIÈRE Bruno, SEMPÉRÉ Richard, DOXARAN David, VAULTIER F, ... (+2)
Contrasted Saharan dust events in LNLC environments: impact on nutrient dynamics and primary production ACL 2014 RIDAME Céline, DEKAEZEMACKER J, GUIEU Cecile, BONNET Sophie, L'HELGUEN S, ... (+1)
Nitrogen fixation and respiratory electron transport in the cyanobacterium Cyanothece under different light/dark cycles ACL 2014 RABOUILLE Sophie, VAN DE WAAL Dedmer,b, MATTHIJS Hans,c,p, HUISMAN J
Microbial food web dynamics in response to a Saharan dust event: results from a mesocosm study in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea ACL 2014 PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, BAUDOUX Anne-claire, OBERNOSTERER Ingrid, LANDA M, CAPARROS Jocelyne, ... (+4)
Effect of salinity on the skeletal chemistry of cultured scleractinian zooxanthellate corals: Cd/Ca ratio as a potential proxy for salinity reconstruction ACL 2014 PRETET C, REYNAUD S, FERRIER-PAGÈS Christine, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, KAMBER Balz,s, ... (+1)
Investigating frontal variability from repeated glider transects in the Ligurian Current (North West Mediterranean Sea) ACL 2014 PITERBARG Leonid, TAILLANDIER Vincent, GRIFFA Annalisa
Seasonal dynamics of light absorption by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the NW Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site) ACL 2014 ORGANELLI Emanuele, BRICAUD Annick, ANTOINE David, MATSUOKA Atsushi
Getting the most out of it: Optimal experiments for parameter estimation of microalgae growth models ACL 2014 MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, MARTINON Pierre, BOUGARAN Gaël, MAIRET Francis, BERNARD Olivier
A Golden Moment to Keep in the Loop - Introduction to the special issue ACL 2014 MONTAGNES D,j,s, DOLAN John,r
Understanding the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and the deep chlorophyll maximum in oligotrophic environments: A Bio-Argo float investigation ACL 2014 MIGNOT Alexandre, CLAUSTRE Herve, UITZ Julia, POTEAU Antoine, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+1)
The role of zooplankton communities in carbon recycling in the Ocean: the case of the Southern Ocean ACL 2014 MAYZAUD Patrick, PAKHOMOV E,a
Lipids and fatty acid composition of particulate matter in the North Atlantic: importance of spatial heterogeneity, season and community structure ACL 2014 MAYZAUD Patrick, BOUTOUTE Marc, GASPARINI Stéphane, MOUSSEAU Laure
A synthesis of light absorption properties of the Arctic Ocean: application to semianalytical estimates of dissolved organic carbon concentrations from space ACL 2014 MATSUOKA Atsushi, BABIN Marcel, DOXARAN David, HOOKER Stanford,b, MITCHELL B,greg, ... (+2)
Effects of soot deposition on particle dynamics and microbial processes in marine surface waters ACL 2014 MARI Xavier, LEFÈVRE J, TORRÉTON J-p, BETTAREL Y, PRINGAULT O, ... (+8)
Physical forcing and physical/biochemical variability of the Mediterranean Sea: a review of unresolved issues and directions for future research ACL 2014 MALANOTTE-RIZZOLI P, ARTALE V, BORZELLI-EUSEBI G,l, BRENNER S, CRISE A, ... (+38)
Morphological variability of the shape of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in relation to stock discrimination between the Bay of Biscay and the eastern English Channel ACL 2014 MAHE Kelig, VILLANUEVA M,c, VAZ Sandrine, COPPIN F, KOUBBI Philippe, ... (+1)
Environmental drivers of the fine-scale distribution of a gelatinous zooplankton community across a mesoscale front ACL 2014 LUO Jessica,y, GRASSIAN B, TANG D, IRISSON Jean-olivier, GREER At, ... (+3)
Patterns of Rare and Abundant Marine Microbial Eukaryotes ACL 2014 LOGARES Ramiro, AUDIC Stéphane, BASS David, BITTNER Lucie, BOUTTE Christophe, ... (+24)
Culture and growth of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca in the laboratory ACL 2014 LILLEY Martin,k,s, FERRARIS Martina, ELINEAU Amanda, BERLINE Léo, CUVILLIERS Perrine, ... (+4)
Respiration demands increase significantly with both temperature and mass in the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi ACL 2014 LILLEY Martin,k,s, THIBAULT-BOTHA D, LOMBARD Fabien