Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Artificial neural network analysis of factors controlling ecosystem metabolism in coastal marine environments AFF 2008 ROCHELLE-NEWALL E,j, WINTER Christian, BARRÓN C, BORGES A,v, DUARTE Carlos,m, ... (+6)
Impact of a Saharan dust input on primary production and N2 fixation in the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2009 RIDAME Céline, TERNON Eva, GUIEU Cecile, L'HELGUEN S
A model of pelagic ecosystem to interpret short time scale sampling in the offshore waters of the Ligurian Sea AFF 2009 RAYBAUD Virginie, NIVAL Paul, PRIEUR Louis, ANDERSEN Valérie
Zooplankton size spectra: Part 2, model development AFF 2009 RAULT J, BENOIT E, GOUZÉ Jean-luc, VANDROMME Pieter, STEMMANN Lars
Photosynthesis versus nitrogen fixation in the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. exposed to different light/dark regimes AFF 2009 RABOUILLE Sophie, VAN DE WAAL D, HUISMAN J
New insights on the significance of atmospheric input n P-Starved surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2009 PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, REROLLE V, WAGENER Thibault, GUIEU Cecile
Interactions between dust inputs and marine bacteria: a combined field and experimental study AFF 2007 PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, WAGENER Thibault, GUIEU Cecile
Saharan dust enhances bacterial mineralization of dissolved organic matter in the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2009 PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, GUIEU Cecile
PROSAT: Etude de faisabilité de l’application de méthodes d’exploitation conjointe des séries de profils in situ ( CTD au point fixe, profils ARGO) et des séries d’image satellitaires (SST,SChla) aux fins de l’Océanographie Opérationnelle AFF 2008 PRIEUR Louis, CANIAUX Guy, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LAVIGNE Héloïse, GIORDANI Hervé
Quality control in real time and delay mode for biogeochemical data on autonomous platforms AFF 2010 POTEAU Antoine, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, CLAUSTRE Herve, MIGNOT Alexandre, XING Xiaogang, ... (+2)
Data quality control (real-time and delayed mode) on biogeochemical data acquired by autonomous platforms AFF 2012 POTEAU Antoine, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, CLAUSTRE Herve, XING Xiaogang, LAVIGNE Héloïse, ... (+1)
An interactive map as scientific and operative tool for oceanographic autonomous observation, networking and outreach AFF 2012 POTEAU Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, GROLEAU Y, SCHEURLE Carolyn, MANGIN Antoine
Underwater vision profiler: a sensor for detailed assessment of particles (>100 µM) and large plankton distribution AFF 2009 PICHERAL Marc, STEMMANN Lars, GUIDI Lionel, WAITE Anya, LEGENDRE Louis, ... (+1)
Digital archiving and processing of zooplankton samples with the Zooscan system AFF 2007 PICHERAL Marc, ANTAJAN Elvire, GASPARINI Stéphane, STEMMANN Lars, CHOE S, ... (+1)
Modelling volume scattering functions using a multi-modal mie scattering approach AFF 2008 O'BREE Terry, BRYANT G, DEKKER A, BRANDO Vittorio,e, ANTOINE David, ... (+1)
Impact of environmental changes on lipid composition of the pelagic amphipod Themisto libellula in the warming arctic AFF 2009 NOYON Margaux, GASPARINI Stéphane, NARCY Fanny, MAYZAUD Patrick
Feeding habits and life strategy of Oithona similis in Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen): insights from its lipid content AFF 2011 NARCY Fanny, NOYON Margaux, GASPARINI Stéphane, MAYZAUD Patrick, FALK-PETERSEN S
Small copepods as trophic link in the planktonic ecosystem of Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) AFF 2009 NARCY Fanny, GASPARINI Stéphane, NOYON Margaux, MAYZAUD Patrick, FALK-PETERSEN S
Viral control of bacterial growth efficiency: Evidence from addition experiments using seawater cultures AFF 2008 MOTEGI Chiaki, NAGATA Toshi, MIKI Takeshi, WEINBAUER Markus,g, LEGENDRE Louis, ... (+1)
Changes in bacterioplankton community structure and diversity along a broad gradient of viral lytic pressure AFF 2009 MOTEGI Chiaki, NAGATA Toshi, MIKI Takeshi, WEINBAUER Markus,g, LEGENDRE Louis, ... (+1)
Long-term effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature on prokaryotic community composition in mesopelagic waters AFF 2010 MOTEGI Chiaki, LIU Jinwen,w, MAIER Conny, PEDROTTI Maria-luiza, DAI M,h, ... (+2)
Effect of cell cycle on nitrate uptake of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii grown in a cyclostat. Implication for modeling global fluxes AFF 2009 MOCQUET Christophe, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier, ESPOSITO Serena, GELAY Amélie
The role of transparent exopolymeric particles in trace metal cycling: a case study (lagoon of Nouméa, New Caledonia) AFF 2009 MIGON Christophe, MARI Xavier
Seasonal varaibility of the deep Chlorophyll maximum dynamics in the Pacific sub-tropical gyres AFF 2012 MIGNOT Alexandre, CLAUSTRE Herve, POTEAU Antoine
From the shape of the vertical profile of Chlorophyll a fluorescence to Chlorophyll a concentration: A method towards ensuring Chlorophyll a data consistency acquired by various platforms AFF 2010 MIGNOT Alexandre, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, POTEAU Antoine, TAILLANDIER Vincent, ... (+1)
Changes in phytoplankton groups composition in the Equatorial Pacific during ENSO cycles AFF 2010 MASOTTI I, MOULIN Cyril, ALVAIN Séverine, BOPP Laurent, TAGLIABUE A, ... (+1)
variability in global ocean phytoplankton distribution over 1979-2006 AFF 2008 MASOTTI I, ALVAIN Séverine, MOULIN Cyril, ANTOINE David
The GSM bio-optical model: achievements and recent developments AFF 2008 MARITORENA Stéphane, SIEGEL D,a, BABIN Marcel, HEMBISE FANTON D'ANDON Odile, HUOT Yannick, ... (+1)
High calcification rates of the deep water coral Lophelia pertusa assessed by radioisotope labelling with calcium-45 and carbon-14 AFF 2007 MAIER Conny, VAN DUYL F,c, HEGEMAN J, WEINBAUER Markus,g
Laboratory dissolution of natural aerosol and photochemically activated dust AFF 2007 LOSNO R, AGHNATIOS C, VELAY J,m, MIGON Christophe, COLIN J,l