Elements : 6121
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
RAPID: Research on automated plankton identification ACL 2007 BENFIELD Mark,c, GROSJEAN Philippe, CULVERHOUSE Philip,f, IRIGOIEN X, SIERACKI Michael,e, ... (+9)
Response to "Interpreting the results of oceanic mesocosm enrichment experiments-caveats and lessons from limnology and coastal ecology" ACL 2007 ARRIETA J,m, WEINBAUER Markus,g, HERNDL Gerhard,j
A cautionary note: examples of possible microbial community dynamics in dilution grazing experiments ACL 2007 AGIS Martin, GRANDA A, DOLAN John,r
Teams of Genetic Predictors for Inverse Problem Solving ACL 2005 DEFOIN PLATEL Michael, CHAMI Malik, CLERGUE M, COLLARD P
A 1 Year sea surface heat budget in the northeastern Atlantic basin during the POMME experiment : 1. Flux estimates ACL 2005 CANIAUX Guy, BRUT A, BOURRAS D, GIORDANI Hervé, PACI A, ... (+2)
An experimental approach to the dynamics of nuclear polarisatio ACL 2004 VAN DEN BRANDT B, GLATTLI H, GRILLO I, HAULTE P, JOUVE H, ... (+8)
Science, culture and (eco-)ethics ACL 2004 LEGENDRE Louis
International subsatellite experiment on the oceanographic platform ACL 2004 KOROTAEV G,k, KHOMENKO G,a, CHAMI Malik, BERSENEVA G,a, MARTYNOV O,v, ... (+5)
The response of Vibrio- and Rhodobacter-related populations of the NW Mediterranean Sea to additions of dissolved organic matter, phages, or dilution ACL 2006 WEINBAUER Markus,g, CHRISTEN Richard, HÖFLE M,g
A new view of the underside of Arctic sea ice ACL 2006 WADHAMS Peter, WILKINSON J,p, MCPHAIL S,d
Time-resolved nuclear spin-dependent small-angle neutron scattering from polarised proton domains in deuterated solutions ACL 2006 VAN DEN BRANDT B, GLATTLI H, GRILLO I, HAULTE P, JOUVE H, ... (+8)
Vertical distribution of phytoplankton communities in open ocean: an assessment based on surface chlorophyll ACL 2006 UITZ Julia, CLAUSTRE Herve, MOREL André, HOOKER Stanford,b
Response to comment on 'The nature of phosphorus limitation in the ultraoligotrophic eastern Mediterranean ACL 2006 THINGSTAD T,f, LAW Cliff,s, KROM M,d, MANTOURA Fauzi, PITTA P, ... (+6)
Maximum growth rates and possible life strategies of different bacterioplankton groups in relation to phosphorus availability in a freshwater reservoir ACL 2006 SIMEK K, HORNAK K, JEZBERA J, NEDOMA J, VRBA J, ... (+4)
Fatty acid composition of Mediterranean fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) blubber with respect to body heterogeneity and trophic interactions ACL 2006 RUCHONNET D, BOUTOUTE Marc, GUINET Christophe, MAYZAUD Patrick
Free radical oxidation (autoxidation) of alkenones and other microalgal lipids in seawater ACL 2006 RONTANI Jean-françois, MARTY Jean-claude, MIQUEL Juan-carlos, VOLKMAN J,k
Viral burst size of heterotrophic prokaryotes in aquatic systems ACL 2006 PARADA V, HERNDL Gerhard,j, WEINBAUER Markus,g
Carbon steady-state model of the planktonic food web of Lake Biwa, Japan ACL 2006 NIQUIL Nathalie, BARTOLI G, URABE J, JACKSON G,a, LEGENDRE Louis, ... (+2)
Measurements beneath an Antarctic ice shelf using an autonomous underwater vehicle ACL 2006 NICHOLLS K,w, ABRAHAMSEN E,p, BUCK J,j,h, DODD P,a, GOLDBLATT C, ... (+17)
Bio-optical properties of high chlorophyll Case 1 waters and of yellow-substance-dominated Case 2 waters ACL 2006 MOREL André, GENTILI Bernard, CHAMI Malik, RAS Josephine
Improved detection of turbid waters from ocean color sensors information ACL 2006 MOREL André, BÉLANGER Simon
Respiration, calcification and excretion of an invasive species, Crepidula fornicata: Implications for carbon and nitrogen fluxes in affected areas ACL 2006 MARTIN Sophie, THOUZEAU G, CHAUVAUD L, JEAN F, GUÉRIN L, ... (+1)
Eukaryotic picoplankton communities of the Mediterranean Sea in summer assessed by molecular approaches (DGGE, TTGE, QPCR) ACL 2006 MARIE D, ZHU F, BALAGUE V, RAS Josephine, VAULOT Daniel
Spectral dependency of optical backscattering by marine particles from satellite remote sensing of the global ocean ACL 2006 LOISEL Hubert, NICOLAS J,m, SCIANDRA Antoine, STRAMSKI Dariusz, POTEAU Antoine
Long-term fluctuations (1974-1999) of the salps Thalia democratica and Salpa fusiformis in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Relationships with hydroclimatic variability ACL 2006 LICANDRO Priscilla, IBANEZ Frédéric, ETIENNE Michèle
Shewanella irciniae sp. nov. , a novel member of the family Shewanellaceae, isolated from the marine sponge Ircinia dendroides in the Bay of Villefranche, Mediterranean Sea ACL 2006 LEE O,o, LAU S,c,k, TSOI M,m,y, LI X, PLAKHOTNIKOVA I, ... (+5)
Transfer of particulate matter from the northwestern Mediterranean continental margin: Variability and controlling factors ACL 2006 GUARRACINO M, BARNIER B, MARSALEIX Patrick, DURRIEU DE MADRON Xavier, MONACO A, ... (+2)
Advanced insights into sources of vertical velocity in the ocean ACL 2006 GIORDANI Hervé, PRIEUR Louis
Light availability in the coastal ocean: impact on the distribution of benthic photosynthetic organisms and their contribution to primary production ACL 2006 GATTUSO Jean-pierre, GENTILI Bernard, DUARTE Carlos,m, KLEYPAS Joan,a, MIDDELBURG J,j, ... (+1)
High vertical and low horizontal diversity of Prochlorococcus ecotypes in the Mediterranean Sea in summer ACL 2007 GARCZAREK Laurence, DUFRESNE A, ROUSVOAL S, WEST N, MAZARD S, ... (+6)