Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Retrieval of the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a concentration: a neural network-based method using merged satellite and Argo data AFF 2015 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, CLAUSTRE Herve, JAMET Cédric, UITZ Julia
Mixed versus mixing layer depth: a Bio-Argo float approach AFF 2015 LACOUR Leo, CLAUSTRE Herve, PRIEUR Louis, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, IUDICONE Daniele
Is it possible to extract information related to sea-state from an Argo float? AFF 2015 POTEAU Antoine, CLAUSTRE Herve, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, PRIEUR Louis
Radiometry from Bio-Argo floats: quality-control, first products and synergy with satellite missions AFF 2015 ORGANELLI Emanuele, CLAUSTRE Herve, SERRA Romain, MANGIN Antoine, BRICAUD Annick, ... (+6)
Combining Bio-Argo Floats with other observing platforms to evaluate the physical-biogeochemical interactions in the North Western Mediterranean Sea AFF 2015 MAYOT Nicolas, TAILLANDIER Vincent, PRIEUR Louis, PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, OBOLENSKY Grigor, ... (+5)
Seasonal variability of nitrate concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea: Contribution of Bio-Argo floats AFF 2015 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, MANGIN Antoine, SERRA Romain, JOHNSON Ken,s, ... (+8)
Long-term adaptative response to high-frequency light signals in the unicellular photosynthetic eukaryote Dunaliella salina AFF 2015 COMBE Charlotte, HARTMANN Philipp, BERNARD Olivier, RABOUILLE Sophie, TALEC Amélie, ... (+2)
Polymorphism in planktonic protists - Jokers COM 2015 DOLAN John,r
Rapid response of silicate weathering rates toclimate change in the Himalaya ACL 2015 DOSSETO Anthony, VIGIER Nathalie, JOANNES-BOYAU R, MOFFAT I, SINGH T, ... (+1)
Particulate organic carbon and inherent optical properties during 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment ACL 2012 CETINIC Ivona, PERRY Mary-jane, BRIGGS Nathan, KALLIN Emily, D'ASARO Eric, ... (+1)
Method for estimating mean particle size from high-frequency fluctuations in beam attenuation or scattering measurements ACL 2013 BRIGGS Nathan, SLADE Wayne, BOSS Emmanuel, PERRY Mary-jane
High-resolution observations of aggregate flux during a sub-polar North Atlantic spring bloom ACL 2011 BRIGGS Nathan, PERRY Mary-jane, CETINIC Ivona, LEE C, D'ASARO Eric, ... (+2)
Net community production and export from Seaglider measurements in the North Atlantic after the spring bloom ACL 2014 ALKIRE Matthew,b, LEE C, D'ASARO Eric, PERRY Mary-jane, BRIGGS Nathan, ... (+2)
Estimates of net community production and export using high-resolution, Lagrangian measurements of O-2, NO3-, and POC through the evolution of a spring diatom bloom in the North Atlantic ACL 2012 ALKIRE Matthew,b, D'ASARO Eric, LEE C, PERRY Mary-jane, GRAY Amanda, ... (+6)
Making science animations: new possibilities for making science accessible to the public ACL 2011 MAY Inga, CARLSON David, ARDYNA Mathieu, GEOFFROY Maxime, HEIKKILAE Maija
Biogenic carbon flows through the planktonic food web of the Amundsen Gulf (Arctic Ocean): A synthesis of field measurements and inverse modeling analyses ACL 2011 FOREST A, TREMBLAY Jean eric, GRATTON Y, MARTIN Johannie, GAGNON J, ... (+20)
Environmental forcing of phytoplankton community structure and function in the Canadian High Arctic: contrasting oligotrophic and eutrophic regions ACL 2011 ARDYNA Mathieu, GOSSELIN Michel, MICHEL C, POULIN M, TREMBLAY Jean eric
Flows of biogenic carbon within marine pelagic food webs: roles of microbial competition switches ACL 2015 LEGENDRE Louis, RIVKIN R,b
Modelling the Effect of Temperature on Phytoplankton Growth across the Global Ocean ACTI 2015 GRIMAUD Ghjuvan,micaelu, LE GUENNEC Valérie, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, MAIRET Francis, SCIANDRA Antoine, ... (+1)
Carbon conversion efficiency and population dynamics of a marine algae-bacteria consortium growing on simplified synthetic digestate: First step in a bioprocess coupling algal production and anaerobic digestion ACL 2012 VASSEUR Christophe, BOUGARAN Gaël, GARNIER Matthieu, HAMELIN Jerome, LEBOULANGER Christophe, ... (+5)
Coupling algal biomass production and anaerobic digestion: Production assessment of some native temperate and tropical microalgae ACL 2014 FOUILLAND Eric, VASSEUR Christophe, LEBOULANGER Christophe, LE FLOC'H Emilie, CARRÉ Claire, ... (+3)
Exposure of Chironomus riparius larvae to uranium: Effects on survival, development time, growth, and mouthpart deformities ACL 2008 DIAS Victor, VASSEUR Christophe, BONZORN Jean-marc
Response of intertidal benthic microalgal biofilms to a coupled light–temperature stress: evidence for latitudinal adaptation along the Atlantic coast of Southern Europe ACL 2015 LAVIALE Martin, BARNETT Alexandre, EZEQUIEL Joao, LEPETIT Bernard, FRANKENBACH Silja, ... (+3)
Evidence for gravitactic behaviour in benthic diatoms ACL 2014 FRANKENBACH Silja, PAIS Antonio, MARTINEZ R, LAVIALE Martin, EZEQUIEL Joao, ... (+1)
Chapitre 2 : Pelagic marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles OS 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
Chapitre 4: Marine Biogeochemical Cycles OS 2014 LEGENDRE Louis
The significance of the episodic nature of atmospheric deposition to Low Nutrient Low Chlorophyll regions ACL 2014 GUIEU Cecile, AUMONT O, PAYTAN A, BOPP Laurent, LAW Cliff,s, ... (+14)
Hyperspectral absorption coefficient of "pure" seawater in the range of 350-550nm inverted from remote sensing reflectance ACL 2015 LEE Zhongping, WEI Jianwei, VOSS Kenneth,j, LEWIS Marlon,r, BRICAUD Annick, ... (+1)
Communicating about marine discovers as well as marine discoveries AFF 2014 LEGENDRE Louis, SCHEURLE Carolyn
mon océan & moi: an outreach program with an important "remote" communication component COM 2014 SCHEURLE Carolyn, CLAUSTRE Herve