Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
The Mediterrenean sea as a typical Low-P Low Chlorophyll (LPLC) area : overview and preliminary results of the boum experiment 2010 COM 2010 MOUTIN Thierry, VAN WAMBEKE France, PRIEUR Louis
Evolution of lead concentrations in the western Mediterranean atmospheric aerosol during the last twenty years COM 2008 MIGON Christophe, ROBIN Thomas, DUFOUR Aurélie, GENTILI Bernard, COPPOLA Laurent
Seasonal and interannual patterns of 1000m depth trace metals fluxes at the DYFAMED time-series station (Ligurian Sea) COM 2010 MIGON Christophe, HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric, LOSNO R, MIQUEL Juan-carlos
Cap Ferrat - The oldest Mediterranean atmospheric times-series site COM 2009 MIGON Christophe, DUFOUR Aurélie, HEIMBÜRGER Lars-eric
Impact des apports de nutriments sur les populations phytoplanctoniques – Rôle particulier des apports anthropiques COM 2007 MIGON Christophe
Connecting DOM chemical composition and biogeochemical variability in the Mediterranean Sea COM 2009 MEADOR T,b, JONES Vera, GOGOU A, MIGON Christophe, SPYRES G, ... (+4)
Determining the role of measurement uncertainties in observed variability in the backscattering ratio COM 2008 MCKEE David, CHAMI Malik, CUNNINGHAM A, SANJUAN CALZADO V, DOXARAN David, ... (+1)
Results of the MERIS Level 2 Vicarious Adjustment in the NIR and Visible within the 3rd Reprocessing COM 2010 MAZERAN Constant, LEREBOURG Christophe, HUOT J,p, ANTOINE David
Coupling, uncoupling of carbon and nutrients cycles in the upper Mediterranean sea : preliminary results of the boum cruise COM 2009 MAURIAC R, BAKLOUTI M, PUJO-PAY Mireille, TOUBOUL J, ORIOL L, ... (+5)
Seasonal variability in the light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton, non-algal particles, and colored dissolved organic matter for western arctic waters: implications for deriving the individual components of absorption using ocean color COM 2008 MATSUOKA Atsushi, HILL Victoria, BABIN Marcel
Characteristics of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Chukchi Sea: relationships with microbial activities COM 2012 MATSUOKA Atsushi, ORTEGA-RETUERTA Eva, BRICAUD Annick, BABIN Marcel, ARRIGO Kevin,r
Signatures of mycosporine-like amino-acids (MAAs) observed in light absorption spectra of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in sea ice melt waters of the Chukchi Sea COM 2012 MATSUOKA Atsushi, HOOKER Stanford,b, LANEY S, NEELEY Aimee, ORTEGA-RETUERTA Eva, ... (+4)
Tracking the transport of colored dissolved organic matter in Western Arctic waters : implications for hydrography of the Arctic ocean COM 2010 MATSUOKA Atsushi, BRICAUD Annick, BABIN Marcel
Variability in global ocean phytoplankton distribution over 1979-2007 COM 2009 MASOTTI I, ALVAIN Séverine, MOULIN Cyril, ANTOINE David
Multi-decadal variability of phytoplankton abundance in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre COM 2011 MARTINEZ Elodie, ANTOINE David, RAITSOS D,e
Covariability of chlorophyll and sea surface temperature at global and decadal scales COM 2008 MARTINEZ Elodie, ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio
Decadal changes in the Chlorophyll seasonal cycles. Regional covariability with Sea Surface Temperature and Mixed Layer Depth COM 2009 ANTOINE David, DE BOYER MONTÉGUT Clément
Decadal variability of phytoplankton seasonal cycles in the Northern Hemisphere, as related to mixed−layer depth changes COM 2010 MARTINEZ Elodie, ANTOINE David, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, DE BOYER MONTÉGUT Clément
The role of coralline algae in carbon and carbonate cycles and their response to global change COM 2009 MARTIN Sophie, HALL-SPENCER J,m, CLAVIER J, THOUZEAU G, CHAUVAUD L, ... (+1)
Effects of ocean acidification and global warming on mediterranean coralline algae COM 2009 MARTIN Sophie, HALL-SPENCER J,m, RODOLFO-METALPA R, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Retrospective analysis of zooplankton decadal time series in the Western Mediterranean Sea using an automated imaging system COM 2008 MAZZOCCHI M,g, STEMMANN Lars, GARCIA COMAS Carmen, RIBERA D'ALCALÀ Maurizio, BEAUGRAND Grégory, ... (+5)
Rôle des particules exoplymériques transparentes dans le transfert des contaminants métalliques vers la phase particulaire COM 2007 MARI Xavier, TORRÉTON J-p, ROCHELLE-NEWALL Emma,j, PRINGAULT O, WEINBAUER Markus,g, ... (+5)
The neglected impact of soot COM 2010 MARI Xavier, ROCHELLE-NEWALL Emma,j, TORRÉTON J-p, BETTAREL Y, PRINGAULT O, ... (+7)
Composition and distribution of U-Th-REE rich phases in marine sediments COM 2011 MARCHANDISE S, ROY-BARMAN M, ROBIN E, AYRAULT S, COLIN C, ... (+3)
Trends in Ostreopsis cf. ovata proliferation along the northern Mediterranean Sea (NW mediterranean and Adriatic seas) COM 2010 MANGIALAJO Luisa, GANZIN N, ACCORONI S, ASNAGHI V, BLANFUNÉ Aurélie, ... (+17)
Trends in Ostreopsis cf. ovata proliferation along the northern Mediterranean Sea (NW Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas) coastal waters COM 2011 MANGIALAJO Luisa, GANZIN N, ACCORONI S, ASNAGHI V, BLANFUNÉ Aurélie, ... (+17)
Dynamics of Ostreopsis cf. ovata in the Mediterranean Sea, relations with environmental factors and consequences on shallow rocky ecosystems COM 2009 MANGIALAJO Luisa, ASNAGHI V, BLANFUNÉ Aurélie, CATTANEO-VIETTI R, CHIANTORE Mariachiara, ... (+5)
The effect of nitrogen starvation and resupply on photosynthesis and growth in the toxic raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo COM 2009 MACINTYRE H, BABIN Marcel, GELAY Amélie, GOLDMAN E, HUOT Yannick, ... (+2)
Appendicularians ecophysiology, seasonal successions, biogeography and effect in water column: a multispecific modelling approach COM 2009 LOMBARD Fabien, LEGENDRE Louis, PICHERAL Marc, SCIANDRA Antoine, GORSKY Gabriel
Experimental and modeling evidence of appendicularian-ciliate interactions COM 2010 LOMBARD Fabien, ELOIRE Damien, GOBET A, STEMMANN Lars, DOLAN John,r, ... (+1)