Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
A simple Adaptive Dynamics model to study the effect of global warming on marine phytoplankton AFF 2015 GRIMAUD Ghjuvan,micaelu, MAIRET Francis, AYATA Sakina-dorothée, SCIANDRA Antoine, BERNARD Olivier
Physical transport in the oceans: the case of larval dispersal INV 2015 AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Phytoplankton responses to nitrogen and iron limitation in the Pacific Ocean AFF 2015 LI Qian, LEGENDRE Louis, JIAO Nianzhi
Typhoons impacts on sea-air exchanges of CO2 and DO in the South China Sea. AFF 2015 TANG D, LEGENDRE Louis, SUN Qingyang, LIN Jinrou
On the impact of soot deposition on carbon pumps. AFF 2015 MARI Xavier, WEINBAUER Markus,g, LEGENDRE Louis
The microbial carbon pump: Potential significance in the globally changing ocean. AFF 2015 LEGENDRE Louis, RIVKIN R,b, WEINBAUER Markus,g, GUIDI Lionel, UITZ Julia
Emerging needs for standard protocols for core measurements of the marine carbon sinks. AFF 2015 JIAO Nianzhi, ZHANG Yao, AZAM Farooq, LEGENDRE Louis
Marine Ecosystem Experimental Chamber System (MECS) – A powerful tool for scenario studies on climate and environmental changes. AFF 2015 JIAO Nianzhi, AZAM Farooq, LEGENDRE Louis
A new look at ocean carbon remineralization for estimating deep-water sequestration. AFF 2015 GUIDI Lionel, LEGENDRE Louis, REYGONDEAU Gabriel, STEMMANN Lars, UITZ Julia, ... (+1)
The Marine Environmental Chamber System (MECS), unique experimental facility in the world INV 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
Flows of biogenic carbon in the World Oceans: roles of microbial competition switches in pelagic food webs COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis, RIVKIN R,b
Some of the "secrets" of successful researchers. COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
From marine microbes to ocean biogeochemistry and carbon sequestration.. COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
From marine microbes to ocean biogeochemistry and carbon sequestration. COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
From marine microbes to ocean biogeochemistry and carbon sequestration COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
Coupled Cycling of Fe and Corg in submarine hydrothermal systems: Modeling approach. COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis
The Mediterranean Sea: An alternative ocean. COM 2015 LEGENDRE Louis, PRIEUR Louis
A new look at ocean carbon remineralization for estimating deepwater sequestration ACL 2015 GUIDI Lionel, LEGENDRE Louis, REYGONDEAU Gabriel, UITZ Julia, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+1)
Fine-scale distribution of zooplankton over a mesoscale front explored through high frequency imaging COM 2015 IRISSON Jean-olivier, FAILLETTAZ Robin, LUO Jessica,y, GUIGAND Cedric,m, COWEN Robert,k
Behaviour versus oceanic currents during the dispersal of larval fish in the Northwestern Mediterranean sea COM 2015 FAILLETTAZ Robin, BLANDIN Agathe, DURAND Elysanne, PARIS Claire,b, IRISSON Jean-olivier
Vertical distribution of chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton community composition from in situ fluorescence profiles: a first database for the global ocean ACL 2015 SAUZEDE Raphaelle, LAVIGNE Héloïse, CLAUSTRE Herve, UITZ Julia, SCHMECHTIG Catherine, ... (+3)
French contribution to Bio-Argo float deployment as part of GO-SHIP and other cruises: implementation of good practices COM 2015 SCHMECHTIG Catherine, POTEAU Antoine, RAS Josephine, OBOLENSKY Grigor, PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, ... (+11)
Sun-Compass Orientation in Mediterranean Fish Larvae ACL 2015 FAILLETTAZ Robin, BLANDIN Agathe, PARIS R, KOUBBI Philippe, IRISSON Jean-olivier
Book Review: Peter J. Le B. Williams, Dylan W. Evans, David J. Roberts, and David N. Thomas. 2015. Art Forms from the Abyss: Ernst Haeckel's Images from the HMS Challenger Expedition. ASCL 2015 DOLAN John,r
Book Review: Leadbeater, B. S. 2015. The Choanoflagellates: Evolution, Biology, and Ecology.Cambridge University Press. ACL 2015 DOLAN John,r
Planktonic protists: little bugs pose big problems for biodiversity assessments ACL 2016 DOLAN John,r
Ocean acidification effect on prokaryotic metabolism tested in two diverse trophic regimes in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2017 CELUSSI M, MALFATTI F, FRANZO A, GAZEAU Frederic, GIANNAKOUROU A, ... (+3)
Hunt for Palytoxins in a Wide Variety of Marine Organisms Harvested in 2010 on the French Mediterranean Coast ACL 2015 BIRÉ R, TROTEREAU S, LEMEE Rodolphe, OREGIONI Davide, DELPONT C, ... (+2)
Primary marine aerosol emissions from the Mediterranean Sea during pre-bloom and oligotrophic conditions: correlations to seawater chlorophyll a from a mesocosm study ACL 2015 SCHWIER A,n, ROSE C, ASMI E, EBLING A,m, LANDING W,m, ... (+11)
Declines in Both Rare and Redundant Species Characterize the Latitudinal Gradient in Planktonic Protists COM 2015 DOLAN John,r, YANG E,j, KANG H,k, RHEE Tae,siek