Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Stress-related responses in Alexandrium tamarense cells exposed to environmental changes ACL 2013 JAUZEIN Cécile, ERDNER Deana,l
Flow cytometric characterization of hemocytes of the sunray venus clam Macrocallista nimbosa and influence of salinity variation ACL 2013 JAUZEIN Cécile, DONAGHY Ludovic, VOLETY Aswani,k
Dark metabolism and carbon-nitrogen uncoupling in the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (Dinophyceae) ACL 2011 JAUZEIN Cécile, COLLOS Yves, LAABIR M, VAQUER A
First report of severe hemocytopenia and immunodepression in the sunray venus clam, Macrocallista nimbosa, a potential new aquaculture species in Florida ACL 2012 DONAGHY Ludovic, JAUZEIN Cécile, VOLETY Aswani,k
The known and unknown sources of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in haemocytes of marine bivalve molluscs ACL 2015 DONAGHY Ludovic, HONG Hyun-ki, JAUZEIN Cécile, CHOI Kwang-sik
Comparing diatom and Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms in Thau lagoon: Importance of dissolved organic nitrogen in seasonally N-limited systems ACL 2014 COLLOS Yves, JAUZEIN Cécile, RATMAYA Widya, SOUCHU Philippe, ABADIE Eric, ... (+1)
Discrepancies between net particulate carbon production and 13C-labelled bicarbonate uptake by Alexandrium catenella (Dinophyceae): grazing controls the balance between autotrophic and non autotrophic carbon acquisition ACL 2013 COLLOS Yves, JAUZEIN Cécile, LAABIR M, VAQUER A
Particulate carbon and nitrogen determinations in tracer studies: The neglected variables ACL 2014 COLLOS Yves, JAUZEIN Cécile, HATEY Elise
Exploring local adaptation and the ocean acidification seascape – studies in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem ACL 2013 HOFMANN Gretchen,e, EVANS T,g, KELLY M,w, PADILLA-GAMIÑO J,l, BLANCHETTE Carol,a, ... (+11)
Growth Attenuation with Developmental Schedule Progression in Embryos and Early Larvae of Sterechinus neumayeri Raised under Elevated CO2 ACL 2013 YU Pauline c, SEWELL A,t, MATSON Paul,g, RIVEST Emily,b, KAPSENBERG Lydia, ... (+1)
Ocean Acidification and Fertilization in the Antarctic Sea Urchin Sterechinus neumayeri: the Importance of Polyspermy ACL 2014 SEWELL A,t, MILLAR Russell,b, YU Pauline c, KAPSENBERG Lydia, HOFMANN Gretchen,e
Near-shore Antarctic pH variability has implications for the design of ocean acidification experiments ACL 2015 KAPSENBERG Lydia, HOFMANN Gretchen,e, KELLEY Amanda,l, SHAW Emily,c, MARTZ Todd,r, ... (+1)
Signals of resilience to ocean change: high thermal tolerance of early stage Antarctic sea urchins (Sterechinus neumayeri) reared under present-day and future pCO(2) and temperature ACL 2014 KAPSENBERG Lydia, HOFMANN Gretchen,e
Taking the pulse of marine ecosystems: The Importance of Coupling Long-Term Physical and Biological Observations in the Context of Global Change Biology ACL 2013 HOFMANN Gretchen,e, BLANCHETTE Carol,a, RIVEST Emily,b, KAPSENBERG Lydia
Biological and physical controls on N2, O2, and CO2 distributions in contrasting Southern Ocean surface waters ACL 2015 TORTELL Philippe,d, BITTIG Henry, KOERTZINGER Arne, JONES Vera, HOPPEMA Mario
Coordination chemistry of the cyclo-(P(5)tBu(4))(-) ion: Monomeric and oligomeric copper(I), silver(I) and gold(I) complexes ACL 2008 GOMEZ-RUIZ Santiago, WOLF Robert, BAUER Sebastian, BITTIG Henry, SCHISLER Andrea, ... (+2)
In Situ CO2 and O2 Measurements on a Profiling Float ACL 2013 FIEDLER Björn, FIETZEK Peer, VIEIRA Nuno, SILVA Pericles, BITTIG Henry, ... (+1)
Synthesis, Structures and Reactivity of Lanthanoid(II) Formamidinates of Varying Steric Bulk ACL 2013 COLE Marcus,l, DEACON Glen,b, FORSYTH Craig,m, JUNK Peter,c, KONSTAS Kristina, ... (+3)
Tackling Oxygen Optode Drift: Near-Surface and In-Air Oxygen Optode Measurements on a Float Provide an Accurate in Situ Reference ACL 2015 BITTIG Henry, KOERTZINGER Arne
A novel electrochemical calibration setup for oxygen sensors and its use for the stability assessment of Aanderaa optodes ACL 2012 BITTIG Henry, FIEDLER Björn, STEINHOFF Tobias, KOERTZINGER Arne
Time response of oxygen optodes on profiling platforms and its dependence on flow speed and temperature ACL 2014 BITTIG Henry, FIEDLER Björn, SCHOLZ Roland, KRAHMANN G, KOERTZINGER Arne
Characterisation and Quantification of the Fluxes of Particulate and Dissolved Nitrogen in the Unicellular Diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii - Towards a Closed Nitrogen Budget AP 2019 RANDALL Ben
Caractérisation et modélisation des interactions au sein d’un assemblage de cyanobactéries diazotrophes et de microalgues AP 2018 CAÏA Margaux
Mediterranean copepods' functional traits. Dataset #854331 AP 2015 BENEDETTI Fabio, GASPARINI Stéphane, AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Identifying copepod functional groups from species functional traits. ACL 2016 BENEDETTI Fabio, GASPARINI Stéphane, AYATA Sakina-dorothée
Boundaries in the sea: using connectivity to define regiones AFF 2015 BERLINE Léo, RAMMOU Anna-maria, DOGLIOLI Andrea, PETRENKO A, MOLCARD Anne, ... (+2)
Effects of ocean acidification on Posidonia oceanica epiphytic community and shoot productivity ACL 2015 COX Tracy,erin, SCHENONE Stefano, DELILLE Jeremy, DIAZ-CASTANEDA Victoria, ALLIOUANE Samir, ... (+2)
OSOAA: a vector radiative transfer model of coupled atmosphere-ocean system for a rough sea surface application to the estimates of the directional variations of the water leaving reflectance to better process multi-angular satellite sensors data over the ocean ACL 2015 CHAMI Malik, LAFRANCE Bruno, FOUGNIE B, CHOWDHARY Jacek, HARMEL Tristan, ... (+1)
Assessing phytoplankton community composition from hyperspectral measurements of phytoplankton absorption coefficient and remote-sensing reflectance in open-ocean environments ACL 2015 UITZ Julia, STRAMSKI Dariusz, REYNOLDS Rick,a, DUBRANNA Jean
A population of giant tailed virus-like particles associated with heterotrophic flagellates in a lake-type reservoir. ACL 2015 WEINBAUER Markus,g, DOLAN John,r, SIMEK K