Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Marine protist diversity in European coastal waters and sediments as revealed by high-throughput sequencing ACL 2015 MASSANA Ramon, GOBET A, AUDIC Stéphane, BASS David, BITTNER Lucie, ... (+30)
Phytoplankton bloom in the NW Mediterranean: Impacts of a deep convection event revealed by Bio-Argo, Bio-Gliders and ship data COM 2015 MAYOT Nicolas, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, TAILLANDIER Vincent, PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, PRIEUR Louis, ... (+6)
Seasonal varaibility of nitrate concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea: contribution of Bio-Argo floats COM 2015 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, MANGIN Antoine, SERRA Romain, CLAUSTRE Herve, ... (+6)
The future of O2 optode measurements - Lessons learned from a decade of autonomous observations COM 2015 BITTIG Henry, KÖRTZINGER Arne, CLAUSTRE Herve
Bio-Argo and Ocean Colour: latest achievements COM 2015 CLAUSTRE Herve, ORGANELLI Emanuele, SAUZEDE Raphaelle, BRICAUD Annick, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, ... (+5)
The SAPIGH service for HPLC phytoplankton pigment analysis and database maintenance AFF 2015 RAS Josephine, CLAUSTRE Herve, OUHSSAIN Mustapha, DIMIER Céline, UITZ Julia, ... (+1)
On the vertical distribution of the chlorophyll-a concentration in the Mediterranean Sea: a basin scale and seasonal approach ACL 2015 LAVIGNE Héloïse, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, RIBERA D'ALCALÀ Maurizio, CLAUSTRE Herve, SAUZEDE Raphaelle, ... (+1)
Use of satellite observations for operational oceanography: recent achievements and future prospects. Community paper - GODAE OceanView Symposium ACL 2015 LE TRAON Pierre-yves, ANTOINE David, BENTAMY Abderrahim, BONEKAMP Hans, BREIVIK Lars-anders, ... (+28)
System Vicarious Calibration for Ocean Color Climate Change Applications: Requirements for In Situ Data ACL 2015 ZIBORDI Giuseppe, MÉLIN Frédéric, VOSS Kenneth,j, JOHNSON B,carol, FRANZ Bryan,a, ... (+4)
Roles of biological and physical processes in driving seasonal air–sea CO2 flux in the Southern Ocean: New insights from CARIOCA pCO2 ACL 2015 MERLIVAT Liliane, BOUTIN Jacqueline, ANTOINE David
No detectable effect of ocean acidification on plankton metabolism in the NW oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea: results from two mesocosm studies ACL 2017 MAUGENDRE Laure, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, POULTON A,j, DELLISANTI W, GAUBERT Margaux, ... (+2)
Autonomous observations with Bio-Argo floats in the Southern Ocean AFF 2015 BLAIN Séphane, CLAUSTRE Herve, SPEICH Sabrina, UITZ Julia, POTEAU Antoine, ... (+2)
THOT (TaHitian Ocean Time series) a climate oceanographic observatory in the open ocean central South Pacific: a novel approach AFF 2015 MARTINEZ Elodie, CLAUSTRE Herve, RODIER Martine, POTEAU Antoine, MAES Christophe, ... (+4)
The Genus Neoceratium (Planktonic Dinoflagellates) as a Potential Indicator of Ocean Warming ACL 2013 TUNIN-LEY Alina, LEMEE Rodolphe
Ciliates — Protists with complex morphologies and ambiguous early fossil record ACL 2015 DUNTHORN Micah, LIPPS Jere,h, DOLAN John,r, ABBOUD-ABI SAAB Marie, AESCHT Erna, ... (+52)
Lithium isotopes in foraminifera shells as a novel proxy for the ocean dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) ACL 2015 VIGIER Nathalie, ROLLION-BARD C, LEVENSON Y, EREZ J
Lithium isotopes in hydrothermally altered basalts from Hengill (SW Iceland) ACL 2015 VERNEY-CARRON A, VIGIER Nathalie, MILLOT Romain, HARDARSON B,s
Lithium elemental and isotopic variations in rock-melt interaction ACL 2014 SU B-x, ZHANG H-f, DELOULE E, VIGIER Nathalie, SAKYI P.a
Potential Orthopyroxene, Clinopyroxene and Olivine Reference Materials for In Situ Lithium Isotope Determination ACL 2015 SU B-x, GU X,y, DELOULE E, ZHANG H-f, LI Q,l, ... (+9)
Projected impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the global biogeography of planktonic Foraminifera ACL 2015 ROY T, LOMBARD Fabien, BOPP Laurent, GEHLEN M
Commentary: Lessons learned from ocean acidification research ACL 2015 RIEBESELL U, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Ocean acidification reshapes the otolith-body allometry of growth in juvenile sea bream ACL 2015 RÉVEILLAC E, LACOUE-LABARTHE Thomas, OBERHAENSLI Francois, TEYSSIÉ J-l, JEFFREE R, ... (+2)
Accumulation of nanoparticles in "jellyfish" mucus: a bio-inspired route to decontamination of nano-waste ACL 2015 PATWA Amit, THIÉRY Alain, LOMBARD Fabien, LILLEY Martin,k,s, BOISSET Claire, ... (+3)
Rapid acclimation of juvenile corals to CO2-mediated acidification by upregulation of heat shock protein and Bcl-2 genes ACL 2015 MOYA Aurélie, HUISMAN L, FORET S, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, HAYWARD D,c, ... (+2)
Enhanced dissolution of basaltic glass in brackish waters: Impact on biogeochemical cycles ACL 2015 MORIN Guillaume, VIGIER Nathalie, VERNEY-CARRON A
Comparison of the alkalinity and calcium anomaly techniques to estimate rates of net calcification ACL 2015 GAZEAU Frederic, URBINI L, COX Tracy,erin, ALLIOUANE Samir, GATTUSO Jean-pierre
Temporal variability of nutrient concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean sea (DYFAMED time-series station) ACL 2015 PASQUERON DE FOMMERVAULT Orens, MIGON Christophe, D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, RIBERA D'ALCALÀ Maurizio, COPPOLA Laurent
Factors shaping bacterial phylogenetic and functional diversity in coastal waters of the NW Mediterranean Sea ACL 2015 BORAS J,a, VAQUÉ D, MAYNOU Francesc, SA Elisabet,l, WEINBAUER Markus,g, ... (+1)
Pteropod time series from the North Western Mediterranean (1967-2003): impacts of pH and climate variability ACL 2015 HOWES Ella,louise, STEMMANN Lars, ASSAILLY C, IRISSON Jean-olivier, DIMA M, ... (+2)
La prolifération d’espèces marines à enjeux environnementaux et sanitaires : Hommes, Microalgues et Méduses. AFF 2015 CLAEYS Cécilia, ARREGHINI Louis, LOMBARD Fabien, THIBAULT-BOTHA D, LEMEE Rodolphe, ... (+1)