Elements : 6125
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Pigments, elemental composition (C, N, P, and Si), and stoichiometry of particulate matter in the naturally iron fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean ACL 2014 LASBLEIZ M, LEBLANC K, BLAIN Séphane, RAS Josephine, CORNET-BARTHAUX V, ... (+2)
Diel variability of the beam attenuation and backscattering coefficients in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (BOUSSOLE site) ACL 2014 KHEIREDDINE Malika, ANTOINE David
Rapid formation of large aggregates during the spring bloom of Kerguelen Island: observations and model comparisons ACL 2014 JOUANDET Marie-paule, JACKSON G,a, CARLOTTI François, PICHERAL Marc, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+1)
Mechanisms of microbial carbon sequestration in the ocean - future research directions ACL 2014 JIAO Nianzhi, ROBINSON C, AZAM Farooq, THOMAS H, BALTAR F, ... (+16)
Sink and swim: a status review of thecosome pteropod culture techniques ACL 2014 HOWES Ella,louise, BEDNARSEK Nina, BUEDENBENDER Jan, COMEAU Steeve, DOUBLEDAY Ayla, ... (+6)
Planktonic food webs revisited: Reanalysis of results from the linear inverse approach ACL 2014 SAKKA HLAILI Asma, NIQUIL Nathalie, LEGENDRE Louis
Vertical export flux of metals in the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2014 HEIMBUERGER Lars-eric, MIGON Christophe, LOSNO R, MIQUEL Juan-carlos, THIBODEAU B, ... (+3)
Impact of dust deposition on carbon budget: a tentative assessment from a mesocosm approach ACL 2014 GUIEU Cecile, RIDAME Céline, PULIDO-VILLENA Elvira, BRESSAC Matthieu, DESBOEUFS Karine, ... (+1)
Metazoan Meiobenthos temporal fluctuations in the deep NW Mediterranean Sea (DYFAMED-BENTHOS 1993-1995). Contribution of spatial variability and disturbance ACL 2014 GUIDI-GUILVARD Laurence, DALLOT Serge
Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter in turbid oyster-farming ecosystems ACL 2014 GERNEZ Pierre, BARILLÉ Laurent, LEROUXEL Astrid, MAZERAN Constant, LUCAS Axel, ... (+1)
Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Sediment Processes in Shallow Waters of the Arctic Ocean ACL 2014 GAZEAU Frederic, VAN RIJSWIJK Pieter, POZZATO L, MIDDELBURG Jack,j
Free-ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) systems: present status and future developments ACL 2014 BARRY J,p, GATTUSO Jean-pierre, GAZEAU Frederic, MARTIN Sophie, HANSSON Lina, ... (+13)
Synoptic evaluation of carbon cycling in the Beaufort Sea during summer: contrasting river inputs, ecosystem metabolism and air-sea CO2 fluxes ACL 2014 FOREST A, COUPEL P, ELSE B, NAHAVANDIAN S, LANSARD B, ... (+6)
Egg cannibalism in Acartia tonsa: effects of stocking density, algal concentration, and egg availability ACL 2014 DRILLET G, MAGUET Remi, MAHJOUB Mohamed-sofiane, ROULLIER François, FIELDING Mark,james
Retrieval of the seawater reflectance for suspended solids monitoring in the East China Sea using MODIS, MERIS and GOCI satellite data ACL 2014 DOXARAN David, LAMQUIN Nicolas, PARK Young-je, MAZERAN Constant, RYU Joo-hyung, ... (+2)
Microzooplankton in a Warming Arctic: A Comparison of Tintinnids and Radiolarians from Summer 2011 and 2012 in the Chukchi Sea ACL 2014 DOLAN John,r, YANG E,j, KIM T,w, KANG S-h
Cyttarocylis ampulla, a Polymorphic Tintinnid Ciliate of the Marine Plankton ACL 2014 DOLAN John,r, PIERCE R,w, BACHY Charles
The History of Biological Exploration of the Bay of Villefranche ACL 2014 DOLAN John,r
Chemical fate and settling of mineral dust in surface seawater after atmospheric deposition observed from dust seeding experiments in large mesocosms ACL 2014 DESBOEUFS Karine, LEBLOND Nathalie, WAGENER Thibault, NGUYEN E,b, GUIEU Cecile
Observing mixed layer depth, nitrate and chlorophyll concentrations in the northwestern Mediterranean: A combined satellite and NO3 profiling floats experiment ACL 2014 D'ORTENZIO Fabrizio, LAVIGNE Héloïse, BESSON Florent, CLAUSTRE Herve, COPPOLA Laurent, ... (+11)
An empirical assessment of the consistency of taxonomic identifications ACL 2014 CULVERHOUSE Philip,f, MACLEOD Norman, WILLIAMS R, BENFIELD Mark,c, LOPES Rubens,m, ... (+1)
POLVSM (Polarized Volume Scattering Meter) instrument: an innovative device to measure the directional and polarized scattering properties of hydrosols ACL 2014 CHAMI Malik, THIROUARD Alexandre, HARMEL Tristan
Complex Toxin Profile of French Mediterranean Ostreopsis cf. ovata Strains, Seafood Accumulation and Ovatoxins Prepurification ACL 2014 BRISSARD Charline, HERRENKNECHT Christine, SÉCHET Véronique, HERVÉ Fabienne, PISAPIA Francesco, ... (+5)
Quantification of the lithogenic carbon pump following a simulated dust-deposition event in large mesocosms ACL 2014 BRESSAC Matthieu, GUIEU Cecile, DOXARAN David, BOURRIN François, DESBOEUFS Karine, ... (+2)
Estimating Lagrangian transport blending drifters with HF radar data and models: Results from the TOSCA experiment in the Ligurian Current (North Western Mediterranean Sea) ACL 2014 BERTA Maristella, BELLOMO Lucio, MAGALDI Marcello,g, GRIFFA Annalisa, MOLCARD Anne, ... (+3)
A Connectivity-Based Eco-Regionalization Method of the Mediterranean Sea ACL 2014 BERLINE Léo, RAMMOU Anna-maria, DOGLIOLI Andrea, MOLCARD Anne, PETRENKO A
DRUM: A New Framework for Metabolic Modeling under Non-Balanced Growth. Application to the Carbon Metabolism of Unicellular Microalgae ACL 2014 BAROUKH Caroline, MUNOZ-TAMAYO Rafael, STEYER Jean-philippe, BERNARD Olivier
Proxies of community production derived from the diel variability of particulate attenuation and backscattering coefficients in the northwest Mediterranean Sea ACL 2014 BARNES Morvan, ANTOINE David
Seasonal dynamics of free-living tintinnid ciliate communities revealed by environmental sequences from the North-West Mediterranean Sea ACL 2014 BACHY Charles, MOREIRA David, DOLAN John,r, LOPEZ-GARCIA Purificacion
Interannual control of plankton communities by deep winter mixing and prey/predator interactions in the NW Mediterranean: Results from a 30-year 3D modeling study ACL 2014 AUGER P,a, ULSES Caroline, ESTOURNEL Claude, STEMMANN Lars, SOMOT Samuel, ... (+1)