Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Mistaking plastic for zooplankton: Risk assessment of plastic ingestion in the Mediterranean sea ACL 2023 FABRI-RUIZ Salomé, BAUDENA Alberto, MOULLEC Fabien, LOMBARD Fabien, IRISSON Jean-olivier, ... (+1)
The smallest in the deepest: the enigmatic role of viruses in the deep biosphere ACL 2023 CAI Lanlan, WEINBAUER Markus,g, XIE Le, ZHANG R
2023 David Cushing prize ACL 2023 DOLAN John,r
Beauty of the plankton: from the first issue of Haeckel’s Art Forms of Nature ACL 2023 DOLAN John,r
Lithium isotopes in marine food webs: Effect of ecological and environmental parameters ACL 2023 THIBON Fanny, WEPPE Lucas, CHURLAUD C, LACOUE-LABARTHE Thomas, GASPARINI Stéphane, ... (+3)
Influence of the phytoplankton community composition on the fluorescence signal: Implication for a better estimation of chlorophyll a concentration from BGC-Argo profiling floats COM 2022 PETIT Flavien, UITZ Julia, CLAUSTRE Herve
The Saga of the False Fossil Foram Eozoon ACL 2022 DOLAN John,r
PHYTOBS dataset - French National Service of Observation for Phytoplankton in coastal waters AP 2021 LEMOINE Maud, CLAQUIN Pascal, ABADIE Eric, ARNAUD Christophe, ARTIGAS Luis,felipe, ... (+88)
La santé face au changement climatique en région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur OV 2019 AUBAIL Aurore, PEREIRA BARBOSA Hiago, BERTOLDO Raquel, BESANCENOT Jean-pierre, BLIN Eric, ... (+32)
RAMOGE, an International Agreement in the NW Mediterranean Sea with a working group dedicated to Ostreopsis sp AFF 2018 LEMEE Rodolphe, BERDALET E, CHIANTORE Mariachiara, MANGIALAJO Luisa
Chemical ecology of Benthic HABs : the impact of NW Mediterranean Ostreopsis cf. ovata on copepods AFF 2018 PAVAUX Anne-sophie, ROSTAN Julie, GUIDI-GUILVARD Laurence, MARRO Sophie, LEMEE Rodolphe
Intercalibration of counting methods for Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Mediterranean Sea AFF 2018 PENNA Antonella, CASABIANCA Silvia, SBRANA Francesca, GJECI Nikolla, CAPELLACCI Samuela, ... (+19)
Mediterranean long-term study shows correlation between Ostreopsis cf. ovata bloom timing and spring temperature AFF 2018 DROUET Kevin, GASPARINI Stéphane, SIANO Raffaele, JAUZEIN Cécile, DAVENET-SBIRRAZUOLI V, ... (+2)
From growth to aging, roles and fates of ysosomes (orange-red bodies) in benthic dinoflagellates cells AFF 2018 JAUZEIN Cécile, ROUX Pauline, LEMEE Rodolphe
Competition between two Mediterranean benthic microalgae: Endo/exo metabolome study and physiological responses AFF 2017 PAVAUX Anne-sophie, TERNON Eva, MARRO Sophie, THOMAS O, LEMEE Rodolphe
Purification assays of ovatoxins and screening for identification of new toxic metabolites in Ostreopsis cf. ovata, a toxic benthic dinoflagellate AFF 2017 GÉMIN Marin-pierre, HERVÉ Fabienne, SÉCHET Véronique, LEMEE Rodolphe, AMZIL Zouher
Diversity of bacterial communities associated with Ostreopsis cf. ovata blomm in NW Mediterranean (COMBAC project) COM 2022 BRIAND Enora, LEMEE Rodolphe, ROBERT Elise, MALO Florent, RÉVEILLON Damien, ... (+4)
Case Study of Harmful Benthic Events caused by Ostreopsis ACTI 2022 BERDALET E, CHINAIN M, DECHRAOUI BOTTEIN Marie-yasmine, GAMARRO Garido, LEMEE Rodolphe, ... (+1)
Developing an Ostreopsis Early Warning System: the joint engagement of scientists, environmental agencies and community science ACTI 2022 VILA Magda, viure, laia, LEMEE Rodolphe, BERDALET E
Vertical distribution of Ostreopsis cf. ovata in NW Mediterranean Sea: Impact on Monitoring Strategy COM 2021 PAVAUX Anne-sophie, VELASQUEZ David, DROUET Kevin, LEBRUN Anais, HIROUX Alan, ... (+4)
Environmental, human health and socioeconomic impacts of Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the NW Mediterranean. Harmful Algae COM 2021 BERDALET E, PAVAUX Anne-sophie, ABÓS-HERRÀNDIZ Rafael, TRAVERS Muriel, MAGDA Vila, ... (+8)
Vertical distribution of Ostreopsis cf. ovata in NW Mediterranean Sea: Impact on Monitoring Strategy COM 2021 PAVAUX Anne-sophie, VELASQUEZ David, DROUET Kevin, LEBRUN Anais, HIROUX Alan, ... (+4)
Biogeography and phenology variations of Ostreopsis spp. In temperate arears facing ocean warming COM 2021 DROUET Kevin, LEMEE Rodolphe, JAUZEIN Cécile, SIANO Raffaele
Underestimated role of the specialized metabolism in microalgae species using the toxic benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata as a model COM 2020 TERNON Eva, PAVAUX Anne-sophie, JAUZEIN Cécile, GÉMIN Marin-pierre, PELKETIS Alexandra, ... (+3)
CoCliME : Co-development of Climate services for adaptation to changing Marine Ecosystems COM 2019 KARLSON Bengt, CUSACK Caroline, APPÉRÉ Gildas, ARNEBORG Lars, BERDALET E, ... (+18)
HABs causing aerosol and/or direct contact toxicity COM 2018 BERDALET E, FLEMING Lora, LEMEE Rodolphe, BURFORD Michèle, BACKER Lorraine
Nitrogen uptake of the benthic toxic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis farrorussoi of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea COM 2018 ACAF Laury, JAUZEIN Cécile, GÉMIN Marin-pierre, BLASCO D, MARRO Sophie, ... (+3)
Distribution and abundances of benthic toxic dinoflagellates in French West Indies COM 2017 BOISNOIR Aurélie, PASCAL Pierre-yves, MARRO Sophie, LEMEE Rodolphe
Benthic Harmful Algal Bloom of Ostreopsis fattorussoi in Beirut, Lebanon (Eastern Mediterranean) in relation with environmental factors COM 2017 ACAF Laury, ABBOUD-ABI SAAB Marie, LEMEE Rodolphe
Environmental, human health and socioeconomic impacts of Ostreopsis spp. Blooms in the NW Mediterranean ACL 2022 BERDALET E, PAVAUX Anne-sophie, ABÓS-HERRÀNDIZ Rafael, TRAVERS Muriel, APPÉRÉ Gildas, ... (+8)