Elements : 6123
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Effects of elevated pCO2 and temperature on prokaryotic plankton in the dark ocean COM 2020 WEINBAUER Markus,g
Ni and black carbon influence bacterial production, respiration and community composition in the barrier reef Lagoon of Noumea (New Caledonia): an experimental study COM 2020 WEINBAUER Markus,g
Effect of ambient water conditions on microbial communities on the artificially produced aggregates: Evidence from experiments using two different seawater cultures COM 2021 WEINBAUER Markus,g, MOTEGI Chiaki, MIGON Christophe, MARI Xavier
Bacterial abundance, growth and community composition in oligotrophic, metal-rich running waters of Southern New Caledonia COM 2021 MOTEGI Chiaki, BETTAREL Y, DUFOUR Aurélie, MARI Xavier, MIGON Christophe, ... (+4)
Shifts in cell size and community composition of bacterioplankton due to grazing by heterotrophic flagellates: evidence from a marine system ACL 2019 WEINBAUER Markus,g, SUOMINEN S, JEZBERA J, KERROS Marie-emmanuelle, MARRO Sophie, ... (+2)
Model of Bacteria Mutualism in a Chemostat: Analysis and Optimization with Interval Detector ACTI 2022 ARCEO Juan,carlos, BERNARD Olivier, GOUZÉ Jean-luc
Chapter 5 - Microalgae as a source of edible oils OS 2020 CVEJIC Jelena, LANGELLOTTI Antonio,l, BONNEFOND Hubert, VERARDO Vito, BERNARD Olivier
Quantifying Cyanothece growth under DIC limitation ACL 2021 INOMURA Keisuke, MASUDA T, EICHNER Meri, RABOUILLE Sophie, ZAVŘEL Tomas, ... (+10)
Protistan Microzooplankton in the Mesopelagic Mediterranean Sea INV 2019 DOLAN John,r, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, MARRO Sophie, COPPOLA Laurent
The Surprising Protistan Microzooplankton in the Mesopelagic Mediterranean Sea INV 2018 DOLAN John,r
Past President's Address: Protists of the Mesopelagic and a Bit on the Long Path to the Deep Sea INV 2018 DOLAN John,r
Patterns in species discoveries: the example of tintinnid ciliates of the marine plankton INV 2017 DOLAN John,r
From Philosophical Transactions to Frontiers: a meander through 345 years of publishing on Protists INV 2022 DOLAN John,r
The surprising microzooplankton of the mesopelagic Mediterranean Sea COM 2019 DOLAN John,r, CIOBANU Maria-cristina, MARRO Sophie, COPPOLA Laurent
Lessons from the Victorian rehabilitation of disgusting microorganisms COM 2020 DOLAN John,r
Tintinnid ciliates of the marine microzooplankton in Arctic Seas: a compilation and analysis of species records ACL 2017 DOLAN John,r, PIERCE R,w, YANG E,j
Microalgae biofilms as a source of bioactive compounds COM 2022 PAVAUX Anne-sophie, FANESI Andrea, DESCHAMPS J, GUIHÉNEUF Freddy, SCIANDRA Antoine, ... (+2)
Biodiversités, environnements et sociétés depuis la Préhistoire : nouveaux marqueurs et approches intégrées COM 2021 AUDIARD Benjamin, RICCI G, BLASCO Thierry, THERY-PARISOT Isabelle, BATTIPAGLIA Giovanna
An ecosystem function and services approach to advance coastal marine forest conservation: the ECOCYST project COM 2022 CLAUSING Rachel,j, BLASCO Thierry, MANGIALAJO Luisa, ROSSI F, CHIANTORE Mariachiara
Os, graines, charbons, fumier et isotopes : des archives biologiques pour comprendre le système agropastoral néolithique en moyenne montagne COM 2022 GOURICHON Lionel, VUILLIEN M, DELHON Claire, HERRSCHER E, BLASCO Thierry, ... (+7)
Nourrir la terre, nourrir le troupeau : approches bioarchéologiques et isotopiques des systèmes agropastoraux au Néolithique COM 2022 MARTIN L, DELHON Claire, HERRSCHER E, BLASCO Thierry, MONTANES Maryline, ... (+7)
Approches lipidiques du contenu des céramiques pour l’appréhension des ressources naturelles utilisées sur la côte atlantique de la France à la fin du Néolithique et au début de l’âge du Bronze COM 2021 PRÉVOST Camielsa, ARD Vincent, BLASCO Thierry, FORRÉ Philippe, FROMONT Nicolas, ... (+5)
Identification and characterization of ancient agricultural landscapes and practices in upland tropical environments (Central Maya Lowlands, Naachtun-Guatemala) COM 2019 PURDUE Louise, DUSSOL Lydie, TESTÉ Marc, LEMONNIER Eva, BLASCO Thierry, ... (+2)
Nourrir la terre, nourrir le troupeau: approche isotopique des cycles du carbone et de l’azote dans un système agro-pastoral Néolithique (Pertus 2, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) COM 2021 CLAIRE D, MARTIN L, HERRSCHER E, BLASCO Thierry, MARYLINE M, ... (+2)
New climatic approaches of the middle Paleolithic sequences: combined methodology of the taxonomic and isotopic charcoal analyses on two Neanderthals settlements:" Les Canalettes"(Aveyron, France) and" la Combette"(Vaucluse, France) COM 2019 AUDIARD Benjamin, THERY-PARISOT Isabelle, MEIGNEN Liliane, TEXIER Pierre-jean, BLASCO Thierry, ... (+1)
Identification et caractérisation des paysages agricoles « urbains » en milieu tropical (Naachtun, Basses Terres Mayas, Guatemala) COM 2021 PURDUE Louise, DUSSOL Lydie, BLASCO Thierry, MONTANES Maryline, TESTÉ Marc, ... (+5)
Contribution of the δ13c isotopic signal on archaeological charcoal to infer pleistocene climate change: methods and first applications on paleolithic settlements COM 2019 AUDIARD Benjamin, ANTOINE P, TEYSSANDIER N, GUILLERMIN P, TEXIER Pierre-jean, ... (+1)
Cultivation of Aurantiochytrium mangrovei using spent osmotic solution as carbon source COM 2020 RUSSO Giovanni,l, OLIVERO Maria, BLASCO Thierry, CRUSSY Paul, BASELICE Marco, ... (+2)
Evidence for a consistent use of external cues by marine fish larvae for orientation ACL 2022 BERENSHTEIN Igal, FAILLETTAZ Robin, IRISSON Jean-olivier, KIFLAWI Moshe, SIEBECK U,e, ... (+2)
Production of Omega-3 Oil by Aurantiochytrium mangrovei Using Spent Osmotic Solution from Candied Fruit Industry as Sole Organic Carbon Source ACL 2021 RUSSO Giovanni,l, LANGELLOTTI Antonio,l, BLASCO Thierry, OLIVIERO Maria, SACCHI Raffaele, ... (+1)