
Label : RadeZoo
Références (29)
Titre Type Année de publication Auteurs
Census and analysis of zooplankton metadata of the French coasts since 1955 ACL 2011 RAYBAUD Virginie, HÉROIN D, RAUD T, BRYLINSKI J,m, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+2)
Effect of three different nets on the estimates of size spectra, abundance and biovolume of mesozooplankton community in the Ligurian Sea COM 2008 GARCIA COMAS Carmen, SUN X, STEMMANN Lars, VANDROMME Pieter, BERLINE Léo, ... (+4)
Are gelatinous predator concentrations still increasing in the Mediterranean sea ? A re-analysis of a zooplankton time series from 1974 to 2003 in the bay of Villefranche sur mer COM 2009 STEMMANN Lars, GARCIA COMAS Carmen, GORSKY Gabriel, IBANEZ Frédéric, GASPARINI Stéphane, ... (+2)
Copepod size spectra analysis of two multi-decadal time series in the Mediterranean western basin COM 2009 GARCIA COMAS Carmen, STEMMANN Lars, MAZZOCCHI M,g, IBANEZ Frédéric, BEAUGRAND Grégory, ... (+5)
Digital zooplankton image analysis using the ZooScan integrated system ACL 2010 GORSKY Gabriel, OHMAN M,d, PICHERAL Marc, GASPARINI Stéphane, STEMMANN Lars, ... (+5)
Long-term fluctuations (1974-1999) of the salps Thalia democratica and Salpa fusiformis in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Relationships with hydroclimatic variability ACL 2006 LICANDRO Priscilla, IBANEZ Frédéric, ETIENNE Michèle
Phenological changes in the Northwestern Mediterranean copepods Centropages typicus and Temora stylifera linked to climate forcing ACL 2005 MOLINERO Juan-carlos, IBANEZ Frédéric, SOUISSI S, CHIFFLET Marina, NIVAL Paul
North Atlantic climate and northwestern Mediterranean plankton variability ACL 2005 MOLINERO Juan-carlos, IBANEZ Frédéric, NIVAL Paul, BUECHER Emmanuelle, SOUISSI S
Enumeration, measurement, and identification of net zooplankton samples using the ZOOSCAN digital imaging system ACL 2004 GROSJEAN Philippe, PICHERAL Marc, WAREMBOURG Caroline, GORSKY Gabriel